# User guide, Meetings and committees -- Other roles (students, employees etc.)
# User guide, Meetings and committees – Other roles (students, employees etc.)
## Log in and find Meetings and committees
Prerequisite: User has role member, manager, deputy manager, deputy or
observer role(x_steas_uh_meeting.committee_member,
x_steas_uh_meeting.committee_deputy_manager) in a commmittee. Seeing
meetings and committees requires no access, but participation in
meetings and case does require one of the listed roles.
Prerequisite: User has role member, manager, deputy manager, deputy or observer role(x_steas_uh_meeting.committee_member, x_steas_uh_meeting.committee_manager, x_steas_uh_meeting.committee_deputy, x_steas_uh_meeting.committee_observer, x_steas_uh_meeting.committee_deputy_manager) in a commmittee. Seeing meetings and committees requires no access, but participation in meetings and case does require one of the listed roles.
1. Navigate to \<instansnavn.service-now.com/ansatt\> or
\<instansnavn.service-now.com/student\>. Choose log in with Feide.
The Meetings and committees module is located in the
employee/student portal.
1. Navigate to \<instansnavn.service-now.com/ansatt\> or \<instansnavn.service-now.com/student\>. Choose log in with Feide. The Meetings and committees module is located in the employee/student portal.
2. When you have logged in, select the \"Meetings and committees\" tile
on the front page.
2. When you have logged in, select the "Meetings and committees" tile on the front page.
On the front page of the selection module, the user will see their next
upcoming meeting, the committees they are a member of and their upcoming
meetings. It is also possible to filter to see passed meetings.
On the front page of the selection module, the user will see their next upcoming meeting, the committees they are a member of and their upcoming meetings. It is also possible to filter to see passed meetings.
## Committees
1. Click the ***Meeting list*** tab to see all meetings linked to this
1. Click the ***Meeting list*** tab to see all meetings linked to this committee.
2. Click the ***Members*** tab to see all members and their roles in
this committee.
2. Click the ***Members*** tab to see all members and their roles in this committee.
3. Click the ***Details*** tab to see all the information about the
committee, the type, department, etc.
3. Click the ***Details*** tab to see all the information about the committee, the type, department, etc.
## Meetings
1. Click the ***Meeting cases*** tab to see a complete overview of all
meeting cases and any agenda items.
1. Click the ***Meeting cases*** tab to see a complete overview of all meeting cases and any agenda items.
2. Click the ***Time / Place*** tab to see when and where the meeting
will take place.
2. Click the ***Time / Place*** tab to see when and where the meeting will take place.
3. Click the ***Attendance*** tab to see which members have been
invited to the meeting and their responsed to the invitation.
3. Click the ***Attendance*** tab to see which members have been invited to the meeting and their responsed to the invitation.
## Attend a meeting
1. Click the ***Meeting list*** tab, select the desired meeting,
alternatively displayed upcoming meeting on the front page of
meetings and committees.
1. Click the ***Meeting list*** tab, select the desired meeting, alternatively displayed upcoming meeting on the front page of meetings and committees.
2. Click ***Go to meeting*** on the top of the page.
... | ... | @@ -59,35 +38,20 @@ meetings. It is also possible to filter to see passed meetings. |
## Participate in the processing of a meeting case
1. Click the ***Overview*** tab to see content of the meeting case.
Here you can also register attendance for the meeting case. This is
not necessary unless certain participants who take part in the
meeting do not participate in the meeting proceedings.
1. Click the ***Overview*** tab to see content of the meeting case. Here you can also register attendance for the meeting case. This is not necessary unless certain participants who take part in the meeting do not participate in the meeting proceedings.
2. Click the ***Documents*** tab to view case documents or to take
personal notes in case documents.
2. Click the ***Documents*** tab to view case documents or to take personal notes in case documents.
3. Click the ***Communication*** tab to participate in the dialogue
around the meeting case. All participants can post comments in the
3. Click the ***Communication*** tab to participate in the dialogue around the meeting case. All participants can post comments in the dialogue.
4. Click the ***Decision*** tab to see the case manager\'s proposal for
a decision, if there is one. Only decision cases (V-sak) will have
proposals for resolutions and full decision processing.
4. Click the ***Decision*** tab to see the case manager's proposal for a decision, if there is one. Only decision cases (V-sak) will have proposals for resolutions and full decision processing.
5. To participate in a poll created by the secretary click ***Go to
poll***, register your vote by clicking either ***For*** or
5. To participate in a poll created by the secretary click ***Go to poll***, register your vote by clicking either ***For*** or ***Against***.
## Sign protocol
1. When the secretary has opened the protocol for signing, the
participants defined by the secretary will be able to click ***Sign
protocol*** to sign.
1. When the secretary has opened the protocol for signing, the participants defined by the secretary will be able to click ***Sign protocol*** to sign.
2. Then click ***Approve / Do not approve***
3. If the secretary does not open the protocol for signing when the
participant is still in the meeting, those defined by the secretary
as having (the option) to sign will receive an e-mail notification
with a link to sign. |
3. If the secretary does not open the protocol for signing when the participant is still in the meeting, those defined by the secretary as having (the option) to sign will receive an e-mail notification with a link to sign. |