How to redact a document on a case
UH Sak uses PSPDFKit for redacting documents.
User has role x_steas_uh_core.case_worker.
User is assigned to the case which the document is uploaded to.
The document is a Word, Excel, PowerPoint or PDF document.
Redaction is available in Documentation-related item for all cases and in the Redaction-related item for innsyn document task for innsyn cases.
Open the case which the document is uploaded to, in UH Workspace
Navigate to the related item “Documentation”
Open the document
Click “Redact document” (See figure 1 below)
Alt 1:
a. Click the redaction button (See figure 2 below)
b. Select the area to redact and click “Apply redactions”
Alt 2:
a. Mark the text area you want to redact
b. When you depress the mouse, options will appear above (see figure 3 below)
c. Press “pencil with a T”-button to redact
Alt 3:
a. Press the predefined redaction rules in the right panel (see figure 4 below)
Repeat step 4-6 for each area you want to redact
Toggle “preview” to see areas that are about to be redacted
Click “Save”
A new redacted version of the document replaces the previous one
Read more about redaction: JavaScript PDF Redaction Library
Figure 1: Location of button: "Redact button"
Figure 2: Location of redaction button
Figur 3: How to redact inline
Figur 4: Location of redaction rules in the right panel