A case worker's processing of approval of education
User has the role case worker (technical role name if you need to contact support: x_steas_uh_core.case_worker)
Logged in user has access to process "Approval of education"
There is at least one registered application for recognition of education where case processing has not begun
The user is assigned to the case it's being worked on
Logged in user has English as their preferred language
This guide describes the processing of applications for Recognition of Education.
Step-by-step guide
Log in as a case worker
Navigate to an application for Recognition of education where case processing has not begun, for example by filtering by process C.D.10 Process application for recognition of external education or prior learning
Open the case, set yourself as a case worker and click 'Save'
Before proceeding, verify that there is an Education Plan at the bottom of the 'Overview' tab. If this is missing, there may be missing basic data.
Click on a topic. In addition, a distinction is made between three variants of case processing, depending on the type of application:
a. Subject entered manually, there is no basic data
b. Course is taken from existing place of study
Alt. A - Subject entered manually
In cases where the topic is entered manually, the input data is not verified. It is the case worker's task to determine whether the course can be approved into the student's education plan. For the Diploma Registry, the results are considered verified, but the course approval process is otherwise similar:
In the event of a rejection, the case worker can click 'Reject' and the status changes to 'Denied'
If the caseworker is to approve the subject, he/she must identify and fill in the correct values for:
a. Subject combination (Valid values retrieved from FS)
b. External result period
c. Weighing type/Vektingstype
d. Approved credits
e. Possibly a comment
Click 'Approve'.
External results will now be recorded, but the student's education plan must be manually updated in FS as this is not automating via API.
Alt. B -- Course is taken from the existing place of study
In the event of a rejection, the case officer can click on 'Reject' and the status changes to 'Denied'
If the examiner is to approve the subject, he must identify and fill in the correct values for:
a. Subject combination (Valid values retrieved from FS)
b. Undervisningstermina
c. Vektingstype
d. Approved credits
e. Possibly comment
Click 'Approve'.
External results will now be registered and the student's Education Plan in FS will be updated.
Decision and approval
All courses the student applies for must be processed (Approved / rejected) before a decision can be made. The process for decision and approval follows the same course as for basic case processing.