# How to apply for approval of education
## Prerequisites
1. The logged-in user must have a study program and an active education
plan associated with their user.
2. In order to use the Diploma Registry for retrieving external
results, the logged-in user must have registered courses in the
Diploma Registry.
## Steps
1. Log in as a student in the student portal (\\student)
a. Navigate to the form "Application for approval of education":
b. Click on \"Services and forms\"
c. Click on \"Approval of education\"
2. Choose what you want to apply for, two options:
a. Approval of education
b. Pre-approval of completed education
3. Select \"Approval of education\" (This shows all the capabilities of
the process)
4. Choose program of study
5. Choose your education plan
6. When retrieving courses from the Diploma Registry, first select your
country/place of study and click on \'Next\'
7. Select FEIDE sign-in
8. Select the corresponding entity, such as NTNU
9. Enter your username/password and click \'Login\'
10. Highlight the courses you wish to import into the application and
click \'View selected results\'
11. Chek \'I confirm that these results will be transferred to \<UH Sak
12. Click \'Transfer records
13. You can now add topics manually. Click \'Add\' under \'Subject
List\'. You can choose between adding courses from your current
place of study or entering external results manually. Click \"Add
new course to my education plan from my current place of study\"
14. Select a course
15. Select semester
16. Select \'Yes\' for the choice \"Will the course replace an existing
course in your education plan\"
17. NB: Basic data from FS determines if the course you have chosen can
be replaced with a course in the chosen education plan.
18. If necessary, fill in \"Additional information\"
19. Click \" I confirm that I have added all necessary documentation\"
20. Click \"Submit\" |