How to create new documentation from a file
User has the role: x_steas_uh_core.case_worker
User is assigned to the case they want to create a document on
User has English as their chosen language
Open the case in UH Workspace
Navigate to the related item: “Documentation”
Click “New documentation”
Click on the new file icon (See figure 1 below)
Click “Upload documents”
Select the documents you want to upload
(Optional) Change which document should be the main document. The top document will become the main (See figure 2 below)
Click “Next”
(Optional) Change the title under “Title”
Select a Documentation type under “Documentation type”
Click “Next”
For each attachment:
a. (Optional) Change the title under “Title”
b. Click “Next”
Click “Create”
A new registration has been added to the list below “Documentation”
Figure 1: Location of new file icon
Figure 2: Caret icons