How to create automation rules for approving education
User has the role case worker (technical role name if you need to contact support: x_steas_uh_core.case_worker)
The user wants to establish rules for automatically approving certain courses that students apply to be approved.
Logged in user has access to the process being worked on
The user has English as the preferred language.
Log on to UH Sak as a case worker.
Navigate to an application for approving of education where there is at least one course with the status "Approved".
Click "Propose automation". (If the button isn't there, it's because automation has already been suggested based on the approval made.)
You'll see the message " Proposal for automation has been submitted ".
The manager of the case worker who proposed the automation is now given the task of approving the automation proposal. The manager finds the task under "My cases > UH Tasks" and on the case in question.
The manager opens the approval task.
The manager now has the option to edit the conditions for the automation by clicking "Edit conditions" or approving them as they are by clicking "Approve".
When the manager is ready to approve, an expiration date must be set for the automation under "Expiry date".
In order to manage the automation rules, a role must be manually added for this. The technical name of the role is "x_steas_uhp_c_d_0.approver_education" (technical name of the Manage Automation Rules table is "x_steas_uhp_c_d_0_automation").