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Commit 3675d62b authored by esikkala's avatar esikkala
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Remove old perspective configs

parent 093a1df0
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// import { backendSearchConfig } from './sparql/sampo/BackendSearchConfig'
import fs from 'fs'
import express from 'express'
import path from 'path'
import { has } from 'lodash'
import { runSelectQuery } from './SparqlApi'
import { runNetworkQuery } from './NetworkApi'
import { makeObjectList } from './SparqlObjectMapper'
import { mapCount } from './Mappers'
import { makeObjectList, mapCount } from './Mappers'
import { generateConstraintsBlock } from './Filters'
import {
import { has } from 'lodash'
import { runSelectQuery } from './SparqlApi'
import { fullTextQuery } from './SparqlQueriesGeneral'
import { makeObjectList } from './SparqlObjectMapper'
import { makeObjectList } from './Mappers'
export const queryJenaIndex = async ({
import _ from 'lodash'
// const NS_PER_SEC = 1e9
// const MS_PER_NS = 1e-6
* @param {Array} objects A list of objects as SPARQL results.
* @returns {Array} The mapped object list.
* @description
* Map the SPARQL results as objects, and return a list where result rows with the same
* id are merged into one object.
export const makeObjectList = (objects) => {
// const time = process.hrtime()
const objList = _.transform(objects, function (result, obj) {
if (! {
return null
// let orig = obj;
obj = makeObject(obj)
// obj = reviseObject(obj, orig);
mergeValueToList(result, obj)
// const diff = process.hrtime(time)
// console.log(`makeObjectList took ${(diff[0] * NS_PER_SEC + diff[1]) * MS_PER_NS} milliseconds`)
return objList
// return self.postProcess(objList);
export const makeDict = (objects) => {
return arrayToObject(objects, 'id')
* @param {Object} obj A single SPARQL result row object.
* @returns {Object} The mapped object.
* @description
* Flatten the result object. Discard everything except values.
* Assume that each property of the obj has a value property with
* the actual value.
const makeObject = (obj) => {
const o = {}
_.forIn(obj, function (value, key) {
// If the variable name contains "__", an object
// will be created as the value
// E.g. { place__id: '1' } -> { place: { id: '1' } }
_.set(o, key.replace(/__/g, '.'), value.value)
return o
* @param {Array} valueList A list to which the value should be added.
* @param {Object} value The value to add to the list.
* @returns {Array} The merged list.
* @description
* Add the given value to the given list, merging an object value to and
* object in the list if both have the same id attribute.
* A value already present in valueList is discarded.
const mergeValueToList = (valueList, value) => {
let old
if (_.isObject(value) && {
// Check if this object has been constructed earlier
old = _.findLast(valueList, function (e) {
return ===
if (old) {
// Merge this object to the object constructed earlier
mergeObjects(old, value)
} else {
// Check if this value is present in the list
old = _.findLast(valueList, function (e) {
return _.isEqual(e, value)
if (!old) {
// This is a distinct value
return valueList
* @param {Object} first An object as returned by makeObject.
* @param {Object} second The object to merge with the first.
* @returns {Object} The merged object.
* @description
* Merges two objects.
const mergeObjects = (first, second) => {
// Merge two objects into one object.
return _.mergeWith(first, second, merger)
const merger = (a, b) => {
if (_.isEqual(a, b)) {
return a
if (a && !b) {
return a
if (b && !a) {
return b
if (_.isArray(a)) {
if (_.isArray(b)) {
b.forEach(function (bVal) {
return mergeValueToList(a, bVal)
return a
return mergeValueToList(a, b)
if (_.isArray(b)) {
return mergeValueToList(b, a)
if (!(_.isObject(a) && _.isObject(b) && === {
return [a, b]
return mergeObjects(a, b)
const arrayToObject = (array, keyField) =>
array.reduce((obj, item) => {
const newItem = {}
Object.entries(item).forEach(([key, value]) => {
if (key !== keyField) {
newItem[key] = value.value
obj[item[keyField].value] = newItem
return obj
}, {})
import { readFile } from 'fs/promises'
import { has } from 'lodash'
import { backendSearchConfig } from '../sparql/sampo/BackendSearchConfig'
// import { backendSearchConfig } from '../sparql/sampo/BackendSearchConfig'
export const createBackendSearchConfig = async () => {
const portalConfigJSON = await readFile('src/client/configs/portalConfig.json')
......@@ -156,14 +156,14 @@ export const mergeFacetConfigs = (oldFacets, mergedFacets) => {
export const mergeResultClasses = async () => {
export const mergeResultClasses = async oldBackendSearchConfig => {
const portalConfigJSON = await readFile('src/client/configs/portalConfig.json')
const portalConfig = JSON.parse(portalConfigJSON)
const { portalID } = portalConfig
const newPerspectiveConfigs = {}
// build initial config object
for (const newResultClass in backendSearchConfig) {
const resultClassConfig = backendSearchConfig[newResultClass]
for (const newResultClass in oldBackendSearchConfig) {
const resultClassConfig = oldBackendSearchConfig[newResultClass]
if (has(resultClassConfig, 'perspectiveID')) {
const { perspectiveID } = resultClassConfig
if (!has(newPerspectiveConfigs, perspectiveID)) {
......@@ -173,8 +173,8 @@ export const mergeResultClasses = async () => {
// merge result classes
for (const newResultClass in backendSearchConfig) {
const resultClassConfig = backendSearchConfig[newResultClass]
for (const newResultClass in oldBackendSearchConfig) {
const resultClassConfig = oldBackendSearchConfig[newResultClass]
if (has(resultClassConfig, 'perspectiveID')) {
const { perspectiveID } = resultClassConfig
const { q, nodes, filterTarget, resultMapper, resultMapperConfig, instance, properties, useNetworkAPI } = resultClassConfig
import { perspective1Config } from './perspective_configs/Perspective1Config'
import { perspective2Config } from './perspective_configs/Perspective2Config'
import { perspective3Config } from './perspective_configs/Perspective3Config'
// import { federatedSearchDatasets } from './sparql_queries/SparqlQueriesFederatedSearch'
// import { fullTextSearchProperties } from './sparql_queries/SparqlQueriesFullText'
// import { sitemapInstancePageQuery } from '../SparqlQueriesGeneral'
import { makeObjectList } from '../SparqlObjectMapper'
import {
// toPolygonLayerFormat
} from '../Mappers'
export const backendSearchConfig = {
perspective1: perspective1Config,
perspective2: perspective2Config,
perspective3: perspective3Config,
placesMsProduced: {
perspectiveID: 'perspective1',
q: 'productionPlacesQuery',
filterTarget: 'manuscripts',
resultMapper: mapPlaces,
instance: {
properties: 'placePropertiesInfoWindow',
relatedInstances: 'manuscriptsProducedAt'
placesMsProducedHeatmap: {
perspectiveID: 'perspective1',
q: 'productionPlacesQuery',
filterTarget: 'manuscripts',
resultMapper: mapPlaces
lastKnownLocations: {
perspectiveID: 'perspective1',
q: 'lastKnownLocationsQuery',
filterTarget: 'manuscripts',
resultMapper: mapPlaces,
instance: {
properties: 'placePropertiesInfoWindow',
relatedInstances: 'lastKnownLocationsAt'
placesMsMigrations: {
perspectiveID: 'perspective1',
q: 'migrationsQuery',
filterTarget: 'manuscript',
resultMapper: makeObjectList,
postprocess: {
func: linearScale,
config: {
variable: 'instanceCount',
minAllowed: 3,
maxAllowed: 30
placesMsMigrationsDialog: {
perspectiveID: 'perspective1',
q: 'migrationsDialogQuery',
filterTarget: 'id',
resultMapper: makeObjectList
placesEvents: {
perspectiveID: 'perspective3',
q: 'eventPlacesQuery',
filterTarget: 'event',
resultMapper: mapPlaces,
instance: {
properties: 'placePropertiesInfoWindow'
productionTimespanLineChart: {
perspectiveID: 'perspective1',
q: 'productionsByDecadeQuery',
filterTarget: 'instance',
resultMapper: mapLineChart,
resultMapperConfig: {
fillEmptyValues: false
productionsByDecadeAndCountry: {
perspectiveID: 'perspective1',
q: 'productionsByDecadeAndCountryQuery',
filterTarget: 'manuscript',
resultMapper: makeObjectList,
postprocess: {
func: toBarChartRaceFormat,
config: {
step: 10
eventLineChart: {
perspectiveID: 'perspective1',
q: 'eventsByDecadeQuery',
filterTarget: 'manuscript',
resultMapper: mapMultipleLineChart,
resultMapperConfig: {
fillEmptyValues: false
manuscriptInstancePageNetwork: {
perspectiveID: 'perspective1',
q: 'manuscriptInstancePageNetworkLinksQuery',
nodes: 'manuscriptNetworkNodesQuery',
useNetworkAPI: true
manuscriptFacetResultsNetwork: {
perspectiveID: 'perspective1',
q: 'manuscriptFacetResultsNetworkLinksQuery',
nodes: 'manuscriptNetworkNodesQuery',
filterTarget: 'manuscript',
useNetworkAPI: true
perspective1KnowledgeGraphMetadata: {
perspectiveID: 'perspective1',
q: 'knowledgeGraphMetadataQuery',
resultMapper: makeObjectList
jenaText: {
perspectiveID: 'perspective1',
properties: 'fullTextSearchProperties'
import {
} from '../sparql_queries/SparqlQueriesPerspective1'
import { prefixes } from '../sparql_queries/SparqlQueriesPrefixes'
export const perspective1Config = {
endpoint: {
url: '',
useAuth: false
facetClass: 'frbroo:F4_Manifestation_Singleton',
includeInSitemap: true,
// defaultConstraint: `
// <SUBJECT> dct:source mmm-schema:Bibale .
// `,
paginatedResultsConfig: {
propertiesQueryBlock: manuscriptPropertiesFacetResults
// resultMapper:
// resultMapperConfig:
// postprocess:
instance: {
properties: manuscriptPropertiesInstancePage,
relatedInstances: '',
defaultTab: 'table'
facets: {
prefLabel: {
id: 'prefLabel',
labelPath: 'skos:prefLabel',
textQueryPredicate: '', // empty for querying the facetClass
textQueryProperty: 'skos:prefLabel', // limit only to prefLabels
type: 'text'
author: {
id: 'author',
facetValueFilter: '',
hideUnknownValue: true,
label: 'Author',
labelPath: 'mmm-schema:manuscript_author/skos:prefLabel',
predicate: 'mmm-schema:manuscript_author',
type: 'list'
work: {
id: 'work',
labelPath: 'mmm-schema:manuscript_work/skos:prefLabel',
textQueryPredicate: 'mmm-schema:manuscript_work', // text query for works
textQueryProperty: '', // query everything in text index
type: 'text'
productionPlace: {
id: 'productionPlace',
facetValueFilter: `
?id dct:source <> .
label: 'Production place',
labelPath: '^crm:P108_has_produced/crm:P7_took_place_at/skos:prefLabel',
predicate: '^crm:P108_has_produced/crm:P7_took_place_at',
parentProperty: 'gvp:broaderPreferred',
type: 'hierarchical'
productionTimespan: {
id: 'productionTimespan',
facetValueFilter: '',
sortByAscPredicate: '^crm:P108_has_produced/crm:P4_has_time-span/crm:P82a_begin_of_the_begin',
sortByDescPredicate: '^crm:P108_has_produced/crm:P4_has_time-span/crm:P82b_end_of_the_end',
predicate: '^crm:P108_has_produced/crm:P4_has_time-span',
startProperty: 'crm:P82a_begin_of_the_begin',
endProperty: 'crm:P82b_end_of_the_end',
type: 'timespan'
note: {
id: 'note',
labelPath: 'crm:P3_has_note',
textQueryPredicate: '', // empty for querying the facetClass
textQueryProperty: 'crm:P3_has_note',
type: 'text'
transferOfCustodyPlace: {
id: 'productionPlace',
facetValueFilter: `
?id dct:source <> .
label: 'Transfer of custody place',
labelPath: '^crm:P30_transferred_custody_of/crm:P7_took_place_at/skos:prefLabel',
predicate: '^crm:P30_transferred_custody_of/crm:P7_took_place_at',
parentProperty: 'gvp:broaderPreferred',
type: 'hierarchical'
transferOfCustodyTimespan: {
id: 'transferOfCustodyTimespan',
facetValueFilter: '',
sortByAscPredicate: '^crm:P30_transferred_custody_of/crm:P4_has_time-span/crm:P82a_begin_of_the_begin',
sortByDescPredicate: '^crm:P30_transferred_custody_of/crm:P4_has_time-span/crm:P82b_end_of_the_end',
predicate: '^crm:P30_transferred_custody_of/crm:P4_has_time-span',
startProperty: 'crm:P82a_begin_of_the_begin',
endProperty: 'crm:P82b_end_of_the_end',
type: 'timespan'
lastKnownLocation: {
id: 'lastKnownLocation',
facetValueFilter: `
?id dct:source <> .
label: 'Production place',
labelPath: 'mmm-schema:last_known_location/skos:prefLabel',
predicate: 'mmm-schema:last_known_location',
parentProperty: 'gvp:broaderPreferred',
type: 'hierarchical'
language: {
id: 'language',
facetValueFilter: '',
label: 'Language',
labelPath: 'crm:P128_carries/crm:P72_has_language/skos:prefLabel',
predicate: 'crm:P128_carries/crm:P72_has_language',
type: 'list'
material: {
id: 'material',
facetValueFilter: '',
label: 'Language',
labelPath: 'crm:P45_consists_of/skos:prefLabel',
predicate: 'crm:P45_consists_of',
type: 'list'
height: {
id: 'height',
facetValueFilter: '',
labelPath: 'mmm-schema:height/crm:P90_has_value',
predicate: 'mmm-schema:height/crm:P90_has_value',
type: 'integer',
typecasting: 'BIND(xsd:integer(ROUND(?value)) as ?valueAsInteger)'
width: {
id: 'width',
facetValueFilter: '',
labelPath: 'mmm-schema:width/crm:P90_has_value',
predicate: 'mmm-schema:width/crm:P90_has_value',
type: 'integer'
folios: {
id: 'folios',
facetValueFilter: '',
labelPath: 'mmm-schema:folios/crm:P90_has_value',
predicate: 'mmm-schema:folios/crm:P90_has_value',
type: 'integer'
lines: {
id: 'lines',
facetValueFilter: '',
labelPath: 'mmm-schema:lines/crm:P90_has_value',
predicate: 'mmm-schema:lines/crm:P90_has_value',
type: 'integer'
columns: {
id: 'columns',
facetValueFilter: '',
labelPath: 'mmm-schema:columns/crm:P90_has_value',
predicate: 'mmm-schema:columns/crm:P90_has_value',
type: 'integer'
miniatures: {
id: 'miniatures',
facetValueFilter: '',
labelPath: 'mmm-schema:miniatures/crm:P90_has_value',
predicate: 'mmm-schema:miniatures/crm:P90_has_value',
type: 'integer'
decoratedInitials: {
id: 'decoratedInitials',
facetValueFilter: '',
labelPath: 'mmm-schema:decorated_initials/crm:P90_has_value',
predicate: 'mmm-schema:decorated_initials/crm:P90_has_value',
type: 'integer'
historiatedInitials: {
id: 'historiatedInitials',
facetValueFilter: '',
labelPath: 'mmm-schema:historiated_initials/crm:P90_has_value',
predicate: 'mmm-schema:historiated_initials/crm:P90_has_value',
type: 'integer'
collection: {
id: 'collection',
facetValueFilter: '',
labelPath: 'crm:P46i_forms_part_of/skos:prefLabel',
predicate: 'crm:P46i_forms_part_of',
type: 'list'
owner: {
id: 'owner',
facetValueFilter: '',
label: 'Owner',
labelPath: 'crm:P51_has_former_or_current_owner/skos:prefLabel',
predicate: 'crm:P51_has_former_or_current_owner',
type: 'list'
source: {
id: 'source',
facetValueFilter: '',
label: 'Source',
labelPath: 'dct:source/skos:prefLabel',
predicate: 'dct:source',
type: 'list'
import {
} from '../sparql_queries/SparqlQueriesPerspective2'
import { prefixes } from '../sparql_queries/SparqlQueriesPrefixes'
export const perspective2Config = {
endpoint: {
url: '',
useAuth: false
facetClass: 'frbroo:F1_Work',
includeInSitemap: false,
paginatedResults: {
properties: workProperties
instance: {
properties: workProperties,
relatedInstances: ''
facets: {
prefLabel: {
id: 'prefLabel',
labelPath: 'skos:prefLabel',
textQueryPredicate: '', // empty for querying the facetClass
textQueryProperty: 'skos:prefLabel', // limit only to prefLabels
type: 'text'
source: {
id: 'source',
facetValueFilter: '',
labelPath: 'dct:source/skos:prefLabel',
predicate: 'dct:source',
type: 'list'
author: {
id: 'author',
facetValueFilter: '',
label: 'Author',
labelPath: '^frbroo:R16_initiated/(mmm-schema:carried_out_by_as_possible_author|mmm-schema:carried_out_by_as_author)/skos:prefLabel',
predicate: '^frbroo:R16_initiated/(mmm-schema:carried_out_by_as_possible_author|mmm-schema:carried_out_by_as_author)',
type: 'list'
manuscript: {
labelPath: '^mmm-schema:manuscript_work/skos:prefLabel'
language: {
id: 'language',
facetValueFilter: '',
label: 'Language',
labelPath: '^frbroo:R19_created_a_realisation_of/frbroo:R17_created/crm:P72_has_language/skos:prefLabel',
predicate: '^frbroo:R19_created_a_realisation_of/frbroo:R17_created/crm:P72_has_language',
type: 'list'
collection: {
id: 'collection',
facetValueFilter: '',
labelPath: '^mmm-schema:manuscript_work/crm:P46i_forms_part_of/skos:prefLabel',
predicate: '^mmm-schema:manuscript_work/crm:P46i_forms_part_of',
type: 'list'
productionTimespan: {
id: 'productionTimespan',
facetValueFilter: '',
sortByAscPredicate: '^mmm-schema:manuscript_work/^crm:P108_has_produced/crm:P4_has_time-span/crm:P82a_begin_of_the_begin',
sortByDescPredicate: '^mmm-schema:manuscript_work/^crm:P108_has_produced/crm:P4_has_time-span/crm:P82b_end_of_the_end',
predicate: '^mmm-schema:manuscript_work/^crm:P108_has_produced/crm:P4_has_time-span',
startProperty: 'crm:P82a_begin_of_the_begin',
endProperty: 'crm:P82b_end_of_the_end',
type: 'timespan'
import {
} from '../sparql_queries/SparqlQueriesPerspective3'
import { prefixes } from '../sparql_queries/SparqlQueriesPrefixes'
export const perspective3Config = {
endpoint: {
url: '',
useAuth: false
facetClass: 'crm:E10_Transfer_of_Custody crm:E12_Production mmm-schema:ManuscriptActivity',
paginatedResults: {
properties: eventProperties
instance: {
properties: eventProperties,
relatedInstances: ''
facets: {
type: {
predicate: 'a',
facetValueFilter: `
type: 'list',
labelPath: 'a/(skos:prefLabel|rdfs:label)'
manuscript: {
textQueryPredicate: `
textQueryProperty: 'skos:prefLabel', // limit only to prefLabels
type: 'text',
labelPath: `(crm:P30_transferred_custody_of
eventTimespan: {
id: 'eventTimespan',
facetValueFilter: '',
sortByAscPredicate: 'crm:P4_has_time-span/crm:P82a_begin_of_the_begin',
sortByDescPredicate: 'crm:P4_has_time-span/crm:P82b_end_of_the_end',
predicate: 'crm:P4_has_time-span',
startProperty: 'crm:P82a_begin_of_the_begin',
endProperty: 'crm:P82b_end_of_the_end',
type: 'timespan'
place: {
id: 'place',
facetValueFilter: `
?id dct:source <> .
label: 'Place',
labelPath: 'crm:P7_took_place_at/skos:prefLabel',
predicate: 'crm:P7_took_place_at',
parentProperty: 'gvp:broaderPreferred',
type: 'hierarchical'
placeType: {
id: 'placeType',
facetValueFilter: '',
label: 'Place type',
labelPath: 'crm:P7_took_place_at/gvp:placeTypePreferred',
predicate: 'crm:P7_took_place_at/gvp:placeTypePreferred',
type: 'list',
literal: true
source: {
id: 'source',
facetValueFilter: '',
labelPath: 'dct:source/skos:prefLabel',
predicate: 'dct:source',
type: 'list'
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