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2D balanced atmospheric fields for initialising idealised WRF and COSMO simulations.
Initially developed by Annick Terpstra, but the project now contains considerable contributions from myself and Hai Bui.
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2D balanced atmospheric fields for initialising idealised WRF and COSMO simulations.
Initially developed by Annick Terpstra, but the project now contains considerable contributions from myself and Hai Bui.
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2D balanced atmospheric fields for initialising idealised WRF and COSMO simulations.
Initially developed by Annick Terpstra, but the project now contains considerable contributions from myself and Hai Bui.
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Geant4-based Code to test propagation of photons in AIR at sea level (absorption, effects on energies etc...)
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Local fixes to Tarquin (upstream: https://sourceforge.net/projects/tarquin/)
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GEANT4 code to calculate Mean free Path and average energy loss of photons at a given altitude and a given energy. Can be easily change to other particle types.
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