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  • 15-test-issue-merge-request
  • 23-convert-getPaths
  • 23-refactor-execute
  • 23-servicemodule-fatal-error-uncaught-typeerror-file_exists-expects-parameter-1-to-be-a-valid-path
  • class_descriptions
  • fix-endpoints
  • master default protected
  • php7.4
  • php8.1
  • prefer-ipv4-for-sparql-curl-query
  • refactor-services-match
  • submodule
  • 0.1
13 results
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Created with Raphaël 2.2.026Sep2311Aug28May2330Apr26Mar1920Feb23Jan6Dec519Nov1495331Oct30242210420Sep23Aug18Jun141110931May28221615131211330Apr23211826Mar2221201926Feb16151287623Jan52131Dec1918137632129Nov282625242321201916653230Oct29282625242322211918171615141211109430Sep2927262012111076224Aug2016Jul765430Jun292825242318171411May8719Apr11529Mar232120181716151211109876565129Feb232221201916151413121176231Jan302928272625242322212018171615141311228Dec271730Nov147654added facetview-working, trying to remove submoduleChanged timeline links to CDN and removed local timeline files.Cleanup in static folders and some changes templates and elasticsearch tuneuploads of changes. tsl.Loads of changes, also read-write changesAdded shopping cart solution... some left out filesAdded shopping cart solution with fixes for Parsleyjs 2.0igjen mange endringer ut klar meldingMange endringer siden sist...commited lots of changes from TSLMange endringer. Kart og deepzoom flyttet til include-mappen.noen små endring i visning av bibo:documentCarousel image redused in sizeTypo corrected on frontpagetype-view for bibo:Document is updated and made more genericCollection view updated with non-working, experimental timeline.jsCSS updatedAdded facetview for Elasticseach. jquery.facetview.js is modified to support Bootstrap3.ALPHA releaseLoads of fixes. Redesign based around bibo:Document. Added search on person, topic and collection. Timeline on collection started, but broken.Better prev-next links on Collection. Some changes to static pages. Better handling of searches on index.'Fix for maps with only one markeradd some files and originalComponents (should be deleted later?)loads of fixes. map fixed in Charter.Removed hardcoded links to /lodspeakr folder in classes and components. This fixed the log 404 errorLoads of fixes. Person and SpatialThing is updated. Maps on Charters.changed openseadragon to show multiple items, and moved set of dzi files into the OpenseadragonAstrup updatFixed Astrup collection queries and "Next 100" function. Used variable for domain.Moved models from services to types. Added astrup collection and handling. Some misc work.Endringer for visning av Astrup. Mye andre rettelser.Merge branch 'master' of linksmoved js function param to one lineexperimental fix for simple cart viewchanged uris to componentsla til CDN for glypthiconsremoved bootstrap-glypthiconsremoved bootstrap folderOpprydding i spørringer