varsparqlQueriesEnabled=[{name:'Get classes',query:"SELECT DISTINCT ?class WHERE {\n [] a ?class\n}\n#You can change the limit to obtain more results\nLIMIT 100"},
{name:'Get instances of a class',query:"SELECT DISTINCT ?instance WHERE{\n ?instance a <http://my/class>\n}\n#You can change the limit to obtain more results\nLIMIT 100"},
{name:'Get properties of a resource',query:"SELECT DISTINCT ?property ?object WHERE{\n <http://my/resource> ?property ?object\n}\n#You can change the limit to obtain more results\nLIMIT 100"},
{name:'All properties pointing to a resource',query:"SELECT DISTINCT ?subject ?object WHERE{\n ?subject ?property <http://my/resource>\n}\n#You can change the limit to obtain more results\nLIMIT 100"}];