@@ -127,10 +130,17 @@ echo "LODSPeaKr needs the web server to have write permissions for $1/cache/ and
@@ -127,10 +130,17 @@ echo "LODSPeaKr needs the web server to have write permissions for $1/cache/ and
echo"Common ways of doing this:"
echo"Common ways of doing this:"
echo" chown -R www-apache $1/cache $1/meta (find the name of the apache user in your system)"
echo" ${bold}chown -R www-apache $1/cache $1/meta${normal} (find the name of the apache user in your system)"
echo" chmod -R g+w $1/cache $1/meta (if you have a group in common with the apache user)"
echo" ${bold}chown -R apache $1/cache $1/meta${normal} (find the name of the apache user in your system)"
echo" chmod -R 777 $1/cache $1/meta (highly discouraged but useful to test when everything fails. It shouldn't be used in production sites)"
echo" ${bold}chown -R www-data $1/cache $1/meta${normal} (find the name of the apache user in your system)"
echo" ${bold}chmod -R g+w $1/cache $1/meta${normal} (if you have a group in common with the apache user)"
echo" ${bold}chmod -R 777 $1/cache $1/meta${normal} (highly discouraged but useful to test when everything fails. It shouldn't be used in production sites)"
echo"Please give the server write permissions. Otherwise, LODSPeaKr will not work."
echo"Please give the server write permissions. Otherwise, LODSPeaKr will not work."
echo"You can now visit $basedir to navigate through your data."