# Manual template administration:
## Prerequisites:
1. You are expected to have knowledge in the Process Designer framework “Flow Designer”
2. User has the role customer manager (technical role name if you need to contact support: x_steas_uh_core.customer_manager)
1. Check that you are in your development instance
2. Switch to scope: “UH Template”
3. Navigate to Flow Designer.
4. Navigate to “Subflows” and click “new subflow”
5. Add two inputs:
a. Document, reference to “x_steas_uh_doc_document”
b. Case, reference to the case you are creating the document for
6. Add one output:
a. Attachment, reference to “sys_attachment”
7. Choose the actions you want to use. Examples are shown I figures below. The available actions for creating templates are:
a. Start document
i. **[Required]{.underline}** as the first step to create document
b. Insert header and footer
c. Insert image
d. Insert letter head
e. Insert text[^1]
f. Insert section
g. Insert resolution
i. The same as “insert section” but will be overwritten by resolution/mass resolution records on the case.
h. Insert standard text
i. Insert table
i. This extracts a table from ServiceNow
j. Insert custom table
i. Create custom table be filling in rows and columns.
k. Signature
l. Attachments
m. Save and create document
i. **[Required]{.underline}** as the last step.
8. “Insert header and footer”, “insert image”, “insert standard texts”, and “start document” are actions that use reference to a ServiceNow record.
a. For “Insert header and footer”
i. Follow guide 18.3
b. For “insert image”
i. Follow guide 18.4
c. For “insert standard texts”
i. Follow guide 18.5
d. “Start document” – layout
i. Follow guide 18.6
9. Use data-pills to get case-specific metadata into the template.
10. Important remarks:
a. In text editors, only use none, bold, italics, underline, or highlights. Other HTML-variants might create a faulty template.
b. Do not copy and paste text from i.e., Word or other places into HTML fields in Flow Designer. There are often many invisible characters that will create a faulty template.
c. Always remember that each action has a document JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) object as output which needs to be passed on to the next action to create the desired template.
d. It is possible to add advanced logic to a template by choosing flow-logic instead of actions.
e. One can also use a simplified “template inside a template”-logic (template in template). This is done by creating smaller reusable subflows which can be called inside a template using “add subflow”-option. Note: Editing this subflow will change all templates that use it accordingly.
f. Test the template thoroughly before making it available in production.
g. DO NOT edit a template in production directly. Creating a faulty template will stop all case-workers ability to generate documents from this template.
11. How to make template available for case: See template guide. Summary:\
After you have created your subflow, navigate to document templates (x_steas_uh_templat_document_template) and create a new record. Fill in the form and for the flow-attribute, choose the subflow you just created. This will link the record and flow together. Navigate further to the FUP and find the process you want the template to be available for. Go to the document template-related list and click edit. Add the template you just created, and it will be available for that process.
-Manual-Template-administration-v2/media/image1.emf){width="6.268055555555556in" height="3.5256944444444445in"}
Figure : Overview of a template
-Manual-Template-administration-v2/media/image2.png){width="6.268055555555556in" height="2.602777777777778in"}
Figure : Insert section step
-Manual-Template-administration-v2/media/image3.png){width="4.144444444444445in" height="0.9841327646544182in"}
Figure : Output of insert section step
-Manual-Template-administration-v2/media/image4.png){width="5.552760279965004in" height="1.744757217847769in"}
Figure : Insert standard text-step
-Manual-Template-administration-v2/media/image5.png){width="5.700489938757655in" height="3.759694881889764in"}
Figure : Insert standard text-step record definition
-Manual-Template-administration-v2/media/image6.png){width="6.268055555555556in" height="2.7243055555555555in"}
Figure : Insert text-step
-Manual-Template-administration-v2/media/image7.png){width="5.460060148731409in" height="3.155550087489064in"}
Figure : Insert text-step output
-Manual-Template-administration-v2/media/image8.png){width="6.268055555555556in" height="2.9131944444444446in"}
Figure : Insert resolution-step
-Manual-Template-administration-v2/media/image9.png){width="5.72083552055993in" height="1.4in"}
Figure : Insert resolution-step. Resolution text checks if the template is created from a mass resolution and overwrites the text. In this example, if this had not been the case, the text would have been: "Her skal du skrive din beslutning for SAK00010308!” instead of "zdcf".
-Manual-Template-administration-v2/media/image10.png){width="5.54133530183727in" height="2.3319444444444444in"}
Figure 10: Insert image-step
-Manual-Template-administration-v2/media/image11.png){width="6.268055555555556in" height="1.6236111111111111in"}
Figure : Insert image-step record definition
-Manual-Template-administration-v2/media/image12.png){width="6.111110017497813in" height="4.303304899387577in"}
Figure : Insert letter head-step
-Manual-Template-administration-v2/media/image13.png){width="4.430555555555555in" height="1.875in"}
Figure 13: Insert letter head-step output
-Manual-Template-administration-v2/media/image14.png){width="6.268055555555556in" height="2.6465277777777776in"}
Figure 14: Insert table-step
-Manual-Template-administration-v2/media/image15.png){width="6.268055555555556in" height="1.0847222222222221in"}
Figure 15: Insert table-step output
-Manual-Template-administration-v2/media/image16.png){width="6.268055555555556in" height="2.2284722222222224in"}
Figure 16: Insert custom table-step
-Manual-Template-administration-v2/media/image17.png){width="5.6446741032370955in" height="0.7364041994750656in"}
Figure 17: Insert custom table-step output
-Manual-Template-administration-v2/media/image18.png){width="6.263199912510936in" height="3.018535651793526in"}
Figure 18: Signature-step
-Manual-Template-administration-v2/media/image19.png){width="6.268055555555556in" height="2.463888888888889in"}
Figure 19: Signature-step output
-Manual-Template-administration-v2/media/image20.png){width="4.261094706911636in" height="1.1901410761154856in"}
Figure 20: Attachments-step
-Manual-Template-administration-v2/media/image21.png){width="2.774647856517935in" height="1.5376531058617673in"}
Figure 21: Attachments-step output
-Manual-Template-administration-v2/media/image22.png){width="6.268055555555556in" height="1.4993055555555554in"}
Figure 22: Start document-step. Choose a layout.
-Manual-Template-administration-v2/media/image23.png){width="6.268055555555556in" height="2.6194444444444445in"}
Figure 23: Layout record. Define layout properties to format document
-Manual-Template-administration-v2/media/image24.png){width="6.268055555555556in" height="1.7944444444444445in"}
Figure 24: Insert headers and footers-step
-Manual-Template-administration-v2/media/image25.png){width="5.218520341207349in" height="2.22584864391951in"}
Figure 25: Insert headers and footers-step record definition (Front page)
-Manual-Template-administration-v2/media/image26.png){width="5.218520341207349in" height="2.22584864391951in"}
Figure 26: Insert headers and footers-step record definition (Rest pages)
-Manual-Template-administration-v2/media/image21.png){width="4.486111111111111in" height="2.486111111111111in"}
[^1]: Insert text only support bold, underline, italic and highlighting. There is support for dragging metadata fields into the text area. |