The dictionaries Nynorskordboka and Bokmålsordboka provide information on orthography and definitions for Nynorsk and Bokmål respectively. They were first published in 1986 and were written by lexicographers at the University of Oslo in cooperation with the Language Council of Norway (Språkrådet). From 2016 the University of Bergen and the Language Council have been responsible for the dictionaries. The dictionaries are currently undergoing a thorough revision.
<ahref ="">The Language Council</a> is the state agency in charge of questions regarding the Norwegian language and carries out Norwegian language policy on assignment from the Ministry Of Culture. The Council is responsible for informing the public about the official norms for Bokmål and Nynorsk.
The content of Nynorskordboka and Bokmålsordboka is available as open data and can be used for any purpose under certain terms. <ahref="">Read about the terms here</a>.