<p>Søket “<ahref="https://ordbokene.no/bm,nn/search?q=f%C3%B8rsk%25l%C3%A6r_r&scope=ei">førsk%lær_r</a>” gives resutls for “førskolelærer” (pre-school teacher) in the Bokmål dictionary and “førskolelærar/førskulelærar” (pre-school teacher) in the Nynorsk dictionary.</p>
<h3>Combine search terms</h3>
<p>The symbol <spanclass="search_symbol">|</span> allows you to search in several search words at the same tiem. You can also combine search words that contain wildcard symbols.</p>
<p>The symbol <spanclass="search_symbol">|</span> allows you to use in several search words at the same time. You can also combine search words that contain wildcard symbols.</p>
<p>The search “<ahref="https://ordbokene.no/bm,nn/search?q=kj%C3%A6rlighet%7Ckj%C3%A6rleik&scope=ei">kjærlighet|kjærleik</a>” yields the result “kjærlighet” in the Bokmål dictionary and “kjærleik” (love) in the Nynorsk dictionary.</p>
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"cite_description":["If you want to cite this article in the ","we recommend that you state when the article was retrieved (read), e. g. as follows:"],