Check php linter
Investigate how we use CI and check private php libraries and/or drupal modules.
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assigned to @steinmb
By Stein Magne Bjorklund on 2024-03-01T14:58:49
added 20 commits
e768045d...cc1f7149 - 3 commits from branch
- cc1f7149...0b1eeffd - 7 earlier commits
- f7289a8c - Check other file types
- 0ab72993 - Fix typo
- 260baebf - Fix typo
- c614e5a8 - should fail test
- bd529114 - should pass
- 0619aeb5 - should pass
- 34893b5f - should pass
- 23a616ec - should pass
- d8d8d8d4 - fish out version
- e6ec8940 - make sure composer is on the correct version
By Stein Magne Bjorklund on 2024-05-14T22:39:06
Toggle commit list-
e768045d...cc1f7149 - 3 commits from branch
assigned to @Michael.Menk and unassigned @steinmb
By Stein Magne Bjorklund on 2024-05-14T22:41:06
requested review from @Michael.Menk
By Stein Magne Bjorklund on 2024-05-14T22:41:11
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