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Petr Kalashnikov authored

Client for the UBW SOAP and REST APIs

Example using REST API

#!/usr/bin/env python

from ubw_client.client import get_client

client = get_client(rest={'headers': {'X-Gravitee-Api-Key': '...',
                                      'X-Some-Other-Header': '...'},
                          'base_url': '', #
                          'endpoints': {'project': {
                                            'headers': {'X-Gravitee-Api-Key': 'key'}},
                                        'begreper': {
                                            'headers': {'X-Gravitee-Api-Key': 'key'}},
                                        'begrepsverdier': {
                                            'headers': {'X-Gravitee-Api-Key': 'key'}},
                                        'periode': {
                                            'headers': {'X-Gravitee-Api-Key': 'key'}}, #  Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key
                                        'firma': {
                                            'headers': {'X-Gravitee-Api-Key': 'key'}},
                                        'bilagstyper': {
                                            'headers': {'X-Gravitee-Api-Key': 'key'}},
                                        'ressurser': {
                                            'headers': {'X-Gravitee-Api-Key': 'key'}}}},
                    import_service={'credentials': {'client': 1,
                                                    'password': '<password>',
                                                    'username': '<username>'},
                                    'headers': {'X-Gravitee-Api-Key': '<grav-key-imp-service>'},
                                    'wsdl': '',
                                    'alternate_endpoint': ''}
                    transaction_service={'credentials': {'client': 1,
                                                         'password': '<password>',
                                                         'username': '<username>'},
                                         'headers': {
                                             'X-Gravitee-Api-Key': '<grav-key-trx-service>'},
                                         'wsdl': '',
                                         'alternate_endpoint': ''})

b = client.get_begreper(72)

p = client.get_prosjekter("110001")

Example using SaveTransactions

from ubw_client import models
from ubw_client import get_client

trans_list = [{"account": "3030",
               "amount": "456",
               "arrival_date": "2020-06-23",
               "compl_delay": "2020-06-23",
               "disc_date": "2020-06-23",
               "due_date": "2020-06-23",
               "trans_date": "2020-06-23",
               "voucher_date": "2020-06-23",
               "client": "72",
               "cur_amount": "456",
               "currency": "NOK",
               "description": "BatchInput Test",
               "dim1": "20000000",
               "dim2": "110000",
               "dim5": "110000100",
               "interface": "BI",
               "sequence_no": 0,
               "tax_code": "0",
               "trans_type": "GL",
               "voucher_no": "1110",
               "voucher_type": "HB",
               "ex_ref": "7272GK1-OS"
              {"account": "3030",
               "amount": "789",
               "arrival_date": "2020-06-23",
               "compl_delay": "2020-06-23",
               "disc_date": "2020-06-23",
               "due_date": "2020-06-23",
               "trans_date": "2020-06-23",
               "voucher_date": "2020-06-23",
               "client": "72",
               "cur_amount": "789",
               "currency": "NOK",
               "description": "BatchInput Test",
               "dim1": "20000000",
               "dim2": "110000",
               "dim5": "110000100",
               "interface": "BI",
               "sequence_no": 0,
               "tax_code": "0",
               "trans_type": "GL",
               "voucher_no": "1111",
               "voucher_type": "HB",
               "ex_ref": "7272GK1-OS"

c = get_client(...)

transactions = models.Transactions.parse_obj(trans_list)
resp = c.save_transactions(transactions, ('interface', 'BI'), 0, 202006, "")

Code style


This project uses black to format the code. See black documentation for how to set up black with your editor.

To autoformat all code, run

git ls-files '*.py' | xargs black

Flake8 is also used as a linter.

Code style errors will result in CI pipeline failing.

You can use a pre-commit hook to have git run linters before commit. Save this to .git/hooks/pre-commit and make it executable.


tox -e linters


To run all tests


You can use a pre-push hook to have git run all tests before pushing. Save this to .git/hooks/pre-push and make it executable.



Unit tests

python -m pytest


coverage run --branch --source=ubw_client -m pytest && coverage report --show-missing

Integration tests

Set credentials in config.yaml and run

python -m pytest -m integration


Set credentials in config.yaml and run

locust -f locust_testing/

then open and choose the desired parameters of the test, as well as the base url for the server that is to be tested.

See locust documentation