- Mar 11, 2022
Jonas Braathen authored
- Mar 04, 2022
Andreas Ellewsen authored
Queries iga for an external id matching ours. If a match is found, the name of the owner is returend. Otherwise we return null. Uses the new iga module to fetch the data.
- Feb 09, 2022
Jonas Braathen authored
If a sponsor verifies a nin that is already in use by an account in cerebrum, the guest will gain access to that account, which in turn allows the guest to change the password of that account. This makes it possible to abuse the guest service to steal the account of users. A feature that checks for this problem, and helps the sponsor make a decision on it, will be introduced in the near future. At that point nin verification can be enabled again. Resolves: GREG-202
- Jan 27, 2022
Andreas Ellewsen authored
- Jan 25, 2022
Jonas Braathen authored
- Jan 17, 2022
Andreas Ellewsen authored
Link login was replaced by our own implementation some time ago, making sesame pointless.
- Jan 11, 2022
Andreas Ellewsen authored
Introduces the CEREBRUM_MANUAL_SPONSOR_UNITS settings variable which contains a list of stedkode for units where sponsors are handled manually. Resolves: GREG-163
Andreas Ellewsen authored
To reduce the amount of code and complexity of the service we move away from a management command triggered by a cronjob, to a task handled by django-q. Everything works the same way as before, but the management command now schedules the task instead of doing it. Introduces the ORGREG_SCHEDULE_TYPE settings variable controlling the scheduled when scheduling the import using the management command.
- Jan 06, 2022
Andreas Ellewsen authored
The setup has five parts: - a new email template type - a new django-q task for notifying - a management command for scheduling the task periodically - a new settings variable NOTIFIER_LIMIT for controlling the number of days into the future the notifier script should use for end date of roles. - a new settings variable NOTIFIER_SCHEDULE_TYPE for controlling how often the notifier task should be scheduled when using the management command. Resolves: GREG-162
- Jan 04, 2022
Andreas Ellewsen authored
Done to make djangoq settings accessible in production. The sync setting is changed to the default False value since the run order of the tasks is not relevant for our use case. Mail sending functions have gotten a sync argument to force the tasks to complete before checking their consequences in tests.
- Dec 21, 2021
Jonas Braathen authored
- Set the default to IsAdminUser - Set it explicitly on all the views - Add tests
- Dec 17, 2021
Jonas Braathen authored
- Dec 15, 2021
Jonas Braathen authored
- Dec 06, 2021
Tore.Brede authored
- Nov 19, 2021
Sivert Kronen Hatteberg authored
We do not use the token after initial login, no need to refresh.
- Nov 17, 2021
Jonas Braathen authored
Set cookie SameSite policy to Lax and skip the HttpOnly flag to allow the cookies to be used by the frontend
- Nov 15, 2021
Tore.Brede authored
Tore.Brede authored
Tore.Brede authored
Sivert Kronen Hatteberg authored
- Nov 11, 2021
Sivert Kronen Hatteberg authored
- Nov 10, 2021
Andreas Ellewsen authored
To prevent hammering on the invite endpoint we throttle requests to the endpoint to 100/day per ip. Resolves: GREG-84
- Nov 09, 2021
Sivert Kronen Hatteberg authored
- Nov 08, 2021
Sivert Kronen Hatteberg authored
- Nov 05, 2021
Sivert Kronen Hatteberg authored
- Nov 03, 2021
Andreas Ellewsen authored
To facilitate multiple identifiers of OUs we introduce the OuIdentifier model and removed the orgreg_id field from OrganizationalUnit. All current orgreg_ids are recreated as OuIdentifiers with name 'orgreg_id' and source 'orgreg'. Both values are configurable in the base settings file in the gregsite app. Note that changing this value after migration will require manual work changing all OuIdentifiers already created before the next run of the orgreg_import management command since that assumes all current orgreg identifiers uses these values. All endpoints that previously exposed the orgreg_id field now exposes an identifiers field with a list of OuIdentifiers connected to that model with fields id, name, source, and value. Resolves: GREG-88
- Oct 20, 2021
Jonas Braathen authored
Jonas Braathen authored
- Rename management command start_notification_publisher to notification_publisher - Rename management command start_schedule_tasks to task_scheduler - Stop using python-daemon and lockfiles, as these will run as standalone containers anyway - Remove management commands stop_notification_publisher and stop_schedule_tasks - Remove python-daemon dependency
- Oct 19, 2021
Tore.Brede authored
Tore.Brede authored
- Oct 15, 2021
Andreas Ellewsen authored
- Expanded output from guest info api endpoint - Share guest info between both routes under /sponsor of the frontend. - More localised text options added for use on the sponsor pages - Details button on the sponsor overview page now points to the guest info page for each person. Resolves: GREG-74
- Oct 13, 2021
Sivert Kronen Hatteberg authored
Sivert Kronen Hatteberg authored
Sivert Kronen Hatteberg authored
Sivert Kronen Hatteberg authored
Enable testing for gregui
- Oct 08, 2021
Stein Elgethun authored
Issue: GREG-66
Stein Elgethun authored
Issue: GREG-66
- Oct 06, 2021
Andreas Ellewsen authored
- Introduces the Invitation and InvitationLink models for keeping track of guest invitations and the links connected to them. - Adds a post endpoint accessible by sponsors to create invitations for guests. - Adds a get endpoint for the guests to review their invitation information. - Adds a post endpoint for the guests to confirm their invitation with updated mobile_phone number if they want. - Removes token field from Person since it is not used.
Jonas Braathen authored
Make all URLs relative. Move /oidc and /admin endpoints up from /api and proxy them during development.