Marte Fossum authored
* added filter for role type under /person to not list all persons * added test for new filter * updated python version in Makefile Issue: GREG-252
Marte Fossum authored* added filter for role type under /person to not list all persons * added test for new filter * updated python version in Makefile Issue: GREG-252
DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE ?= gregsite.settings.dev
BLACK ?= black -q
COVERAGE ?= coverage
MYPY ?= mypy
PIP ?= pip -q
POETRY ?= poetry
PYLINT ?= pylint -sn
PYTEST ?= pytest -v -s --no-header
PYTHON ?= python3.10
VENV ?= venv
mypy = $(MYPY) --config-file mypy.ini
pip = python -m $(PIP)
poetry = python -m $(POETRY)
venv = . $(VENV)/bin/activate &&
PACKAGES = greg/ gregsite/ gregui/
all: test
.PHONY: clean
$(RM) -r $(VENV)
$(VENV): $(VENV)/touchfile
test -d $(VENV) || $(PYTHON) -m venv $(VENV)
$(venv) $(pip) install -U pip
$(venv) $(pip) install poetry
$(venv) $(poetry) install
touch $@
.PHONY: install
install: $(VENV)
$(venv) $(poetry) install
.PHONY: test
test: $(VENV)
$(venv) $(mypy) -p greg
$(venv) $(COVERAGE) run --source greg,gregsite,gregui -m $(PYTEST)
$(venv) $(COVERAGE) report
$(venv) $(COVERAGE) xml
.PHONY: lint
lint: $(VENV)
$(venv) $(poetry) -q check
$(venv) $(PYLINT) $(PACKAGES)
$(venv) $(BLACK) --check --diff $(PACKAGES)
.PHONY: fmt
fmt: $(VENV)
$(venv) $(BLACK) $(PACKAGES)
.PHONY: deps
deps: poetry.lock
poetry.lock: pyproject.toml | $(VENV)
$(venv) $(poetry) update