"language": {
"change": "Change language to {{lang}}"
"header": {
"applicationTitle": "Guest Registration",
"applicationDescription": "Registration service for guests",
"selectLanguage": "Select language"
"input": {
"firstName": "First name",
"lastName": "Last name",
"dateOfBirth": "Date of birth",
"nationalIdNumber": "Norwegian national ID number",
"roleType": "Role",
"roleStartDate": "From",
"roleEndDate": "To (including)",
"comment": "Comment",
"searchable": "Available in search?",
"email": "E-mail",
"fullName": "Full name",
"mobilePhone": "Mobile phone",
"passportNumber": "Passport number",
"passportNationality": "Passport nationality",
"countryCallingCode": "Country code",
"contactPersonUnit": "Contact at unit",
"optional": "(optional)",
"gender": "Gender",
"male": "Male",
"female": "Female"
"sponsor": {
"addRole": "Add role",
"roleInfoHead": "Changes",
"roleInfoText": "You can change the start and end dates for the role.",
"contactPerson": "Contact person",
"choose": "Choose",
"details": "Details",
"modifyEnd": "Change end date",
"endNow": "End role"
"endRoleDialog": {
"title": "End role",
"text": "Ending the role will cause the guest to lose access if there are no other active roles registered. Are you sure you want to end the role?",
"endRole": "Ended role {{role}}"
"guestInfo": {
"contactInfo": "Contact information",
"contactInfoBody": "A guest is only considered active if at least one identification number has been verified.",
"contactInfoTableText": "Contact information and identification",
"consentInfoHead": "Consent information",
"choiceDate": "Choice date",
"consentName": "Consent type",
"roleChanged": "Role information changed",
"invitationCancelled": "The invitation to {{name}} cancelled",
"registeredInfo": "Registererd information on you",
"registeredInfoExplanation": "Here is the contact information, roles and consent information that is registered on you.",
"roleInfoHead": "Roles and periods",
"roleInfoTableText": "Guest roles",
"roleInfoBody": "You can only change roles connected to units that you have given.",
"newEmailSent": "New invitation sent",
"verifier": "Verified by",
"verified": "Verified",
"source": "Source",
"viewInfo": "View info",
"identityCheck": {
"failure": "<strong>Warning</strong>: Unable to check if person already exists in IGA.",
"text": "<strong>Warning</strong>: <1>matches</1> already has this ID registerered to them. Please stop if this is not the same person."
"guest": {
"headerText": "Add new role and period.",
"bodyText": "Here you can add a new role to the same guest"
"register": {
"noResults": "No guest matching your search found.",
"registerHeading": "Register new guest",
"registerText": "Please search for name, date of birth, e-mail or phone number before registering a new guest to prevent duplicates.",
"registerButtonText": "Register new guest",
"placeHolder": "Name, date of birth (yyyy-mm-dd), e-mail, mobile phone"
"anonpage": {
"top": "Welcome to the Guest Service",
"body": "You are not registered as a host or guest. To become a guest, request an invite from your host. If you should have host access, contact support."
"loading": "Loading...",
"termsHeader": "Terms",
"staging": "Staging",
"firstName": "First name",
"lastName": "Last name",
"dateOfBirth": "Date of birth",
"endDate": "End date",
"name": "Name",
"role": "Guest role",
"period": "Period",
"host": "Host",
"ou": "Organisation",
"department": "Department",
"choice": "Choices",
"registerText": "Register new guest",
"waitingGuests": "Guests waiting for confirmation",
"waitingGuestsDescription": "Confirm your guests that <1>registered manually</1> here. Guests with FEIDE-user do not need confirmation.",
"noWaitingGuests": "No waiting guests",
"activeGuests": "Confirmed guests",
"activeGuestsDescription": "Make changes to guest roles.",
"noActiveGuests": "No active guests",
"foundNoGuests": "Found no guests",
"sentInvitations": "Sent invitations",
"placeholder": "Search for guest",
"filterGuests": "Filter expired guests",
"chooseUnits": "Choose unit(s)",
"sentInvitationsDescription": "Invitations awaiting response from guest.",
"noInvitations": "No invitations",
"status": "Status",
"statusText": {
"active": "Active",
"expired": "Expired",
"expiring_other": "Expiring in {{count}} days",
"expiring_one": "Expiring in {{count}} day",
"waitingForGuest": "Waiting for guest",
"invalidEmail": "Invalid e-mail address",
"waitingForSponsor": "Needs confirmation",
"invitationExpired": "Invitation expired"
"details": "Details",
"nationalIdNumber": "Norwegian national ID number",
"validation": {
"firstNameRequired": "First name is required",
"lastNameRequired": "Last name is required",
"dateOfBirthRequired": "Date of birth is required",
"invalidIdNumber": "Invalid Norwegian national ID number",
"nationalIdNumberRequired": "Norwegian national ID number required",
"roleTypeRequired": "Role type is required",
"roleEndRequired": "Role end date is required",
"invalidEndDate": "Chosen role must have an earlier end date",
"emailRequired": "E-mail is required",
"existingEmail": "This e-mail address is already in use",
"consentRequired": "This consent is required",
"invalidMobilePhoneNumber": "Invalid phone number",
"invalidEmail": "Invalid e-mail address",
"passportNumberRequired": "Passport number required",
"mobilePhoneRequired": "Mobile phone is required",
"typeMustBeChosen": "Role is required",
"ouMustBeChosen": "Organisation is required",
"startDateMustBeSet": "Start date must be set",
"startDateMustBeBeforeEndDate": "Start date has to be before end date",
"phoneNumberAndCountryCode": "Both country code and phone number must be set",
"passportNationalityAndNumber": "Both passport nationality and number need to be set",
"doubleIdentity": "*You have input both Norwegian national ID and passport. Please choose only one.",
"nationalIdOrPassport": "Norwegian national ID number or passport information need to be entered",
"genderIsRequired": "Gender is required"
"button": {
"yes": "Yes",
"no": "No",
"logout": "Log out",
"back": "Back",
"next": "Next",
"save": "Save",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"verify": "Verify identification",
"backToFrontPage": "Go to front page",
"cancelInvitation": "Cancel",
"resendInvitation": "Resend invitation",
"ok": "OK",
"finishRegistration": "Finish registration",
"seeRegisteredInfo": "See registered info"
"registerWizardText": {
"registerPage": "Enter the contact information for the guest below. These fields are mandatory.",
"summaryPage": "Check that the values are correct before saving.",
"registerContactInfo": "Register contact info",
"registerPeriod": "Register role and period",
"registerPeriodText": "Enter role and duration.",
"summaryContactInformation": "Summary contact information",
"summaryPeriod": "Summary period",
"contactInformation": "Contact information",
"guestRole": "Guest role",
"guestPeriod": "Period",
"guestDepartment": "Department"
"yourGuests": "Your guests",
"registerNewGuest": "Register new guest",
"guestOverview": "Guest overview",
"guestRegisterWizardText": {
"identityHeader": "Identify yourself ",
"identityBody": "Enter your Norwegian national identity number if you have one. <1>Otherwise</1> use passport information.",
"yourContactInformation": "Your contact information",
"contactInformationDescription": "Fill in missing fields",
"yourGuestPeriod": "Your guest period",
"guestPeriodDescription": "Period registered for your guest role."
"yourGuestAccount": "Your guest account",
"feideId": "Feide ID",
"thankYou": "Thanks!",
"sponsorSubmitSuccessDescription": "Your registration has been completed. You will receive an e-mail when the guest has filled in the missing information, so that the guest account can be approved.",
"guestSubmitSuccessDescription": "Your registration is now completed. You will receive an e-mail or SMS when your account has been created.",
"confirmationDialog": {
"text": {
"uio": "Before verifying this identity, please make sure that you have seen ID-papers with a picture matching the supplied value. Approved papers are passport, Norwegian driver's license, and Norwegian national ID card. <br/> <br/>Read about why it is important to verify the guest <0>here</0>.",
"uib": "Are you sure you want to verify this identity?",
"default": "Are you sure you want to verify this identity?"
"confirmIdentityTitle": "Are you sure you want to verify?",
"cancelInvitation": "Cancel invitation?",
"cancelInvitationDescription": "Do you want to cancel the invitation?"
"error": {
"error": "Error",
"changeRoleFailed": "Failed to change role information",
"invitationCancelFailed": "Failed to cancel invite",
"invitationCreationFailedHeader": "Failed to create invite",
"errorStatusCode": "Status code: {{statusCode}} (<3>{{statusText}}</3>)",
"genericServerErrorBody": "Message:<1>{{errorBodyText}}</1>",
"contactHelp": "Contact help through the link in the footer if the problem persists.",
"errorLoadOusRoleTypeHeading": "Error loading form data",
"errorLoadOusRoleType": "Could not load organisational units and/or role type from server",
"unknown": "An unknown error has occurred. If the problem persists, contact support.",
"invitationDataFetchFailed": "Failed to fetch invitation data",
"guestRegistrationFailed": "Failed to register your data",
"partialSubmitSuccess": "Invite creation partial successful",
"emailUpdateFailed": "E-mail update failed",
"badEndDate": "Cannot end a role before it has started",
"codes": {
"invalid_invite": "Invalid invite",
"invite_expired": "Invite has expired",
"cannot_update_fields": "Failed to update data",
"update_national_id_not_allowed": "Not allowed to update verified Norwegian ID",
"invite_email_failed": "There was a problem sending the invite e-mail. Contact support.",
"duplicate_private_email": "There is already a guest with the registered e-mail",
"duplicate_private_mobile_number": "There is already a guest with the registered mobile phone number",
"duplicate_private_national_id_number": "There is already a guest with the Norwegian national ID number given",
"duplicate_private_passport_number": "There is already a guest with the passport number given"
"update": {
"email": "E-mail updated successful"