Changes since v2.1.0: - Use upper case when using file extension as document format - Type annotation cleaning - BREAKING change: python 3.9 no longer supported
Changes since v2.0.1: - Add back ability to set def_saksbehandler_pn_id in config
Includes search methods from function_service for Expeditor at UiB
Changes since v1.5.0 - Restrict pydantic version to v1.*.*
Changes since v1.4.2: - Add ability to patch AvsenderMottaker
Add ability to provide format to documents.
Improved type annotations. Mark package as typed for use in other services.
Support for having multiple documents in a sak Support for documents with file contents on other formats than pdf Support for patching sak
Updated search with avoiding invalid words (in starting of query) Search for sak now excludes name in uio and uit
Eph now support v5.6, not need any spcial handling of cases on "avskriving av restanse" on journalposts.
Funksjonalitet for å kunne gjenbruke sak (som er opprettet når det ikke fantes noen ansatt nr), klasseringen hadde da verdien ("000000")
Merged TOAMS-69: Forbedre historisk import