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An Agda development of set theory inside homotopy type theory.
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Public code repository for GFI / WaterSip
CI/CD Catalog project Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 InternationalWaterSip is a diagnostic software tool that identifies source, transport and arrival properties of atmospheric water vapour based on air parcel backward trajectories, using the moisture source diagnostic of Sodemann et al. (2008). Moisture sources are thereby identified from changes in specific humidity interpolated to the air parcel trajectory per time step. The changes in specific humidity at each time step are set in relation with the current humidity of the air parcel. This allows to estimate the quantitative contribution of moisture to the air parcel at a specific location, a so-called moisture accounting. WaterSip identifies and aggregates further properties of the moisture source and during the moisture transport, such as temperature, pressure, latitude etc.
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Per Christian Gaustad / FUP
GNU General Public License v2.0 or laterVerktøy for å konvertere FUP-en til JSON-format og generere nettsiden https://fupperåd.no
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2D balanced atmospheric fields for initialising idealised WRF and COSMO simulations.
Initially developed by Annick Terpstra, but the project now contains considerable contributions from myself and Hai Bui.
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Bergen fMRI Group - external / functional transients
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" LicenseAnalysis of transient events from functional imaging data
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2D balanced atmospheric fields for initialising idealised WRF and COSMO simulations.
Initially developed by Annick Terpstra, but the project now contains considerable contributions from myself and Hai Bui.
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Verktøy for å periodisere og produsere uttrekk av arkiv
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