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### v0.11.0

#### New features

* In the k8s store backend, stolon components discovery now uses the `component` label instead of the `app` label (See Upgrade Notes) ([#469](
* Improved docker swarm examples to resemble the k8s one ([#482](
* If the user enabled ssl/tls use it also for replication/pg_rewind connections ([#501](
* Remove final newline from example base64 password in k8s example ([#505](

#### Bug Fixes

* Fixed wrong libkv store election path (See Upgrade Notes) ([#479](
* Fixed a check in synchronous replication that will block future synchronous standbys updates under some circumstances ([#494](
* Fixed atomic writes of postgresql genenerated files ([#495](

Thanks to everybody who contributed to this release:

Bill Helgeson, Niklas Hambüchen, Sylvere Richard, Tyler Kellen

## Upgrades notes.

* In the k8s store backend, the label that defines the kind of stolon component has changed from `app` to `component`. When upgrading you should update the various resource descriptors setting the k8s component name (`stolon-keeper`, `stolon-sentinel`, `stolon-proxy`) inside the `component` label instead of the `app` label.
* When using the etcdv2 store, due to a wrong leader election path introduced in the last release and now fixed, if your sentinel returns an election error like `election loop error {"error": "102: Not a file ...` you should stop all the sentinels and remove the wrong dir using `etcdctl rmdir /stolon/cluster/$STOLONCLUSTER/sentinel-leader` where `$STOLONCLUSTER` should be substituted with the stolon cluster name (remember to set `ETCDCTL_API=2`).