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Commit 5fce6747 authored by Håkon Gylterud's avatar Håkon Gylterud
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import java.util.UUID;
public class Stored<T> {
public final T value;
public final UUID identity;
public final UUID version;
* The default constructor for creating a new Stored value.
public Stored(T value) {
this.value = value;
this.identity = UUID.randomUUID();
this.version = UUID.randomUUID();
* Construct a new version of this stored object.
public Stored<T> newVersion(T newValue) {
return new Stored<T>(newValue , identity, UUID.randomUUID());
* The constructor for recreating a stored object
* from a serialised version.
public Stored(T value, UUID identity, UUID version) {
this.value = value;
this.identity = identity;
this.version = version;
public boolean equals(Object other) {
if (other == null)
return false;
if (getClass() != other.getClass())
return false;
final Stored<T> stored_other = (Stored<T>) other;
return this.identity.equals(stored_other.identity)
&& this.version.equals(stored_other.version)
&& this.value.equals(stored_other.value);
public class UpdatedException extends Exception {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 8516366302597379968L;
public final Stored newObject;
public UpdatedException(Stored newObject) {
super("Object was updated");
this.newObject = newObject;
public Throwable fillInStackTrace() {
return this; // We do not want stack traces for these exceptions.
package inf226.util;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import java.util.function.Function;
public class Either<A,B> {
private final boolean isLeft;
private final A left;
private final B right;
private Either(A leftValue, B rightValue, boolean isLeft) {
this.left = leftValue;
this.right = rightValue;
this.isLeft = isLeft;
public static<U,V> Either<U,V> left(U value) {
return new Either<U,V>(value, null, true);
public static<U,V> Either<U,V> right(V value) {
return new Either<U,V>(null, value, false);
public void branch(Consumer<A> leftBranch, Consumer<B> rightBranch) {
if (isLeft)
public<C> C cases(Function<A,C> leftCase, Function<B,C> rightCase) {
if (isLeft)
return leftCase.apply(left);
return rightCase.apply(right);
package inf226.util;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import java.util.function.Function;
public class Maybe<T> {
private final T value;
public Maybe(T value) {
this.value = value;
public T get() throws NothingException {
if(value == null)
throw new NothingException();
return value;
public static<U> Maybe<U> nothing() {
return new Maybe<U>(null);
public static<U> Maybe<U> just(U value) {
return new Maybe<U>(value);
public final boolean equals(Object other) {
if (other == null)
return false;
if (getClass() != other.getClass())
return false;
final Maybe<Object> maybe_other = (Maybe<Object>) other;
if(maybe_other.value == null && value == null)
return true;
if(value == null)
return false;
return value.equals(maybe_other.value);
public void forEach(Consumer<T> c) {
if (value == null)
return ;
public<U> Maybe<U> map(Function<T,U> f) {
if (value == null)
return nothing();
return just(f.apply(value));
public<U> Maybe<U> bind(Function<T,Maybe<U>> f) {
if (value == null)
return nothing();
return f.apply(value);
public T defaultValue(T e) {
if (value == null)
return e;
return value;
public boolean isNothing() {
return (value == null);
public Maybe<T> supremum(Maybe<T> other) {
if (value == null)
return other;
return this;
public static<U> Builder<U> builder() { return new Builder<U>() ; }
public static class Builder<U> implements Consumer<U> {
private Maybe<U> value;
public Builder() { value = nothing(); }
public void accept(U value) { (new Maybe<U>(value)).forEach(v -> this.value = new Maybe<U>(v)); }
public Maybe<U> getMaybe(){ return value ;};
public static class NothingException extends Exception {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 8141663032597379968L;
public NothingException() {
super("Unexpected Maybe.nothing()");
public Throwable fillInStackTrace() {
return this;
package inf226.util;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
* Store a mutable variable as a consumer.
* This class is a wrapper for avoiding some limitations
* of Java's λ-abstractions.
public class Mutable<A> implements Consumer<A>{
private A value;
public Mutable(A value) {
this.value = value;
public static<U> Mutable<U> init(U value) {
return new Mutable<U>(value);
public void accept(A value) {
this.value = value;
public A get() {
return value;
package inf226.util;
public final class Pair<A,B> {
public final A first;
public final B second;
public Pair(A first, B second) {
this.first = first;
this.second = second;
public static<U,V> Pair<U,V> pair(U first, V second) {
return new Pair<U,V>(first, second);
public final boolean equals(Object other) {
if (other == null)
return false;
if (getClass() != other.getClass())
return false;
final Pair<Object,Object> pair_other = (Pair<Object,Object>) other;
return this.first.equals(pair_other.first)
&& this.second.equals(pair_other.second);
package inf226.util;
import inf226.util.immutable.List;
import java.lang.Throwable;
import java.util.function.Function;
public class Util {
public static<E extends Throwable> void throwMaybe(Maybe<E> exception) throws E {
try { throw exception.get(); }
catch (Maybe.NothingException e) { /* Intensionally left blank */ }
public static<A,B> Maybe<B> lookup(List<Pair<A,B>> list, A key) {
final Maybe.Builder<B> result
= new Maybe.Builder<B>();
list.forEach(pair -> {
return result.getMaybe();
public static<A,Q, E extends Exception>
Stored<A> updateSingle(Stored<A> stored,
Storage<A,E> storage,
Function<Stored<A>,A> update)
throws E, DeletedException {
boolean updated = true;
while(true) {
try {
return storage.update(stored,update.apply(stored));
} catch (UpdatedException e) {
stored = (Stored<A>)e.newObject;
public static<A,Q, E extends Exception> void deleteSingle(Stored<A> stored, Storage<A,E> storage)
throws E {
while(true) {
try {
} catch (UpdatedException e) {
stored = (Stored<A>)e.newObject;
} catch (DeletedException e) {
package inf226.util.immutable;
import inf226.util.Maybe;
import inf226.util.Mutable;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.function.BiFunction;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
public final class List<T> {
private final Maybe<ListItem<T> > items;
public final Maybe<T> last;
public final int length;
private List() {
this.items = Maybe.nothing();
this.last = Maybe.nothing();
this.length = 0;
private List(T head, List<T> tail) {
this.items = new Maybe<ListItem<T>>(new ListItem<T>(head, tail));
/* Construct a reference to the last element of
the list. */
T new_last;
try {
new_last = tail.last.get();
} catch (Maybe.NothingException e) {
new_last = head;
this.last = new Maybe<T>(new_last);
this.length = tail.length + 1;
public static<U> List<U> empty() {
return new List<U>();
public static<U> List<U> cons(U head, List<U> tail) {
return new List<U>(head,tail);
public static<U> List<U> singleton(U head) {
return new List<U>(head,empty());
public Maybe<T> head() {
try {
return new Maybe<T>(items.get().head);
} catch (Maybe.NothingException e) {
return Maybe.nothing();
public Maybe< List<T> > tail() {
try {
return new Maybe<List<T> >(items.get().tail);
} catch (Maybe.NothingException e) {
return Maybe.nothing();
public List<T> add(T element) {
return cons(element, this);
public<U> List<U> map(Function<T,U> f) {
List<U> result = empty();
try {
for(List<T> l = this.reverse(); ; l = l.tail().get()) {
result = cons(f.apply(l.head().get()), result);
} catch (Maybe.NothingException e) {
// No more elements
return result;
public<B,C> List<C> zipWith(List<B> other, BiFunction<T,B,C> f) {
Builder<C> result = builder();
try {
List<T> l0 = this.reverse();
List<B> l1 = other.reverse();
while(true) {
result.accept(f.apply(l0.items.get().head, l1.items.get().head));
l0 = l0.items.get().tail;
l1 = l1.items.get().tail;
} catch (Maybe.NothingException e) {
// No more elements
return result.getList();
public final boolean equals(Object other) {
if (other == null)
return false;
if (getClass() != other.getClass())
return false;
final List<Object> list_other = (List<Object>) other;
final Mutable<Boolean> equal = new Mutable<Boolean>(length == list_other.length);
List<Boolean> equalList = zipWith(list_other, (a, b) -> a.equals(b));
equalList.forEach(e -> { equal.accept(equal.get() && e);});
return equal.get();
public void forEach(Consumer<T> c) {
public static<U> Consumer<List<U>> sequenceConsumer(Consumer<U> c) {
return new Consumer<List<U>>(){
public void accept(List<U> l) {
try {
for(ListItem<U> e = l.items.get(); ; e = e.tail.items.get()) {
} catch (Maybe.NothingException e) {
// No more elements
} };
public static class Builder<U> implements Consumer<U> {
private List<U> list;
public Builder() { list = empty(); }
public synchronized void accept(U element) { list = cons(element, list) ; }
public List<U> getList() { return list ; }
public List<T> reverse() {
List<T> result = empty();
try {
for(ListItem<T> e = this.items.get(); ; e = e.tail.items.get()) {
result = cons(e.head, result);
} catch (Maybe.NothingException e) {
// No more elements
return result;
public static<U> Builder<U> builder(){return new Builder<U>();}
private static class ListItem<T> {
public final T head;
public final List<T> tail;
ListItem(T head, List<T> tail) {
this.head = head;
this.tail = tail;
package inf226.inchat;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
import inf226.util.*;
import java.util.UUID;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.DriverManager;
public class InchatTest{
void chatSetup() throws Maybe.NothingException,SQLException {
UUID testID = UUID.randomUUID();
System.err.println("Running test:" + testID);
final String path = "test" + testID + ".db";
final String dburl = "jdbc:sqlite:" + path;
final Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection(dburl);
connection.createStatement().executeUpdate("PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON");
UserStorage userStore
= new UserStorage(connection);
EventStorage eventStore
= new EventStorage(connection);
ChannelStorage channelStore
= new ChannelStorage(connection,eventStore);
AccountStorage accountStore
= new AccountStorage(connection,userStore,channelStore);
SessionStorage sessionStore
= new SessionStorage(connection,accountStore);
InChat inchat = new InChat(userStore,channelStore,accountStore,sessionStore);
Stored<Session> aliceSession = inchat.register("Alice","badpassword").get();
Stored<Session> bobSession = inchat.login("Bob","worse").get();
Stored<Channel> channel = inchat.createChannel(aliceSession.value.account,"Awesome").get();
inchat.postMessage(aliceSession.value.account,channel, "Test message.").get();
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<header class="thread-head">
<h2 class="topic">The fooobar topic thread</h2>
<div class="starter">Joe</div>
<div class="date">2019–09–20</div>
<div class="entry">
<div class="user">Joe</div>
<div class="text"><p>I started this thread in order to test the
layout of this web page.</p>
<p>I expect to writ a lot here later – especially about lorem ipsum.
But for the moment I will content myself with a few lines.</p>
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