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Commit be92dcd1 authored by Sarah Lim's avatar Sarah Lim
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Update README to include claim environment

For some reason, `claim` was missing in both the table of supported
environments, as well as the required environment definitions in the
header file.
parent 8fffd31c
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......@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ The extension supports the following theorem environments:
| Supported environment | Supported Markdown identifiers |
| `claim` | `Claim` |
| `definition` | `Definition`, `Def` |
| `theorem` | `Theorem`, `Thm` |
| `lemma` | `Lemma` |
......@@ -111,6 +112,7 @@ Note that you will always need to include the following header file using Pandoc
% examples/header.tex
......@@ -118,6 +120,24 @@ Note that you will always need to include the following header file using Pandoc
You can also define these environments directly in the document, using YAML frontmatter to avoid passing `-H="header.tex"`:
title: Glamorous paper
Finally, you can choose to add these environments directly to your chosen template, eliminating the need to define them in every document.
### Syntax
pandoc-theorem repurposes the syntax for [definition lists](, checking for [recognized identifiers](#identifiers).
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