This project comes with a working Maven `pom.xml` file. You should be able to import it into Eclipse using *File → Import → Maven → Existing Maven Projects* (or *Check out Maven Projects from SCM* to do Git cloning as well). You can also build the project from the command line with `mvn compile` and test it with `mvn test`.
Pay attention to these folders:
*`src/main/java` – Java source files go here (as usual for Maven)
*`src/main/resources` – data files go here
*`src/test/java` – JUnit tests
*`target/classes` – compiled Java class files
You should probably edit the `pom.xml` and fill in details such as the project `name` and `artifactId`:
< !-- FIXME - set group id -->
< !-- FIXME - set artifact name -->
< !-- FIXME - set app name -->
< !-- FIXME change it to the project's website -->
## Running
You can run the project from Eclipse, or with Maven using `mvn exec:java`. Change the main class by modifying the `main.class` setting in `pom.xml`:
If you run `mvn package` you'll get a everything bundled up into a JAR file
*`target/*.jar` – your compiled project, packaged in a JAR file
#### POM snippets
If you're setting up / adding ANTLR4 to your own project, you can cut and paste these lines into your `pom.xml`file.
* You should make sure that both the parser generator and the runtime use the same version, so define the version number in `<properties>…</properties>`:
* The ANTLR4 runtime is needed to run the compiled parser; add it in the `<depencencies>…</dependencies>` section:
* The ANTLR4 maven plugin includes the ANTLR4 tool, and is needed to generate parser during compilation; add it to `<build><plugins>…</plugins></build>`: