import { groq } from 'next-sanity' import { activityStreamFields, siteSettings } from './fragments' /** * Enum of Classes that should generate pages * @readonly * @enum {array} */ export const publicDocumentTypes = [ 'HumanMadeObject', 'Actor', 'Group', 'Concept', 'ObjectType', 'Place', 'Event', ] export const actorsQuery = groq` { "items": *[_type in ["Actor", "Group"]] | order(label, desc){ _id, _type, label, hasType[]-> { _id, label }, image, "count": count(*[references(^._id)]), }, ${siteSettings} } ` export const alertQuery = groq` *[_type == "Alert"][0] | order(_createdAt desc) { ... } ` export const conceptsQuery = groq` { "items": *[_type in ["Concept", "ObjectType"]] | order( desc){ _id, _type, label, "count": count(*[references(^._id)]), }, ${siteSettings} } ` export const registryQuery = groq` { "items": *[_type in ["Concept", "ObjectType", "Actor", "Group"]] | order({ _id, _type, label, "count": count(*[references(^._id)]), }, ${siteSettings} } ` export const frontpageQuery = groq` { "frontpage": *[ _id == "frontpage" ][0] { _id, ..., navMenu-> { ..., items[] { ..., "route": landingPageRoute->.slug.current } }, content[] { disabled != true => { ... }, _type == 'MiradorGallery' && disabled != true => @{ ..., items[] { "manifest": coalesce(manifestRef->.subjectOfManifest, manifestUrl), canvasUrl, }, }, _type == 'SingleObject' && disabled != true => @{ ..., item-> { "manifest": coalesce(subjectOfManifest, manifestUrl), canvasUrl, } }, _type == 'Grid' => @{ ..., items[] { ..., "route": landingPageRoute->.slug.current } } } }, "latest": *[ _type == "HumanMadeObject"][0..10] { _id, label, hasType[]-> { ... }, image, }, ${siteSettings} } ` export const idsQuery = groq` *[_type in $publicDocumentTypes] { _id } ` export const routesQuery = groq` *[ _type == "Route" ] { _id, _type, slug } ` export const routeQuery = groq` { "route": *[ _type == "Route" && slug.current == $joinID ][0] { ..., page->{ ..., navMenu->{ ..., items[]{ ..., "route": landingPageRoute->.slug.current } }, body[] { ..., _type == 'reference' => @->{ _id, _type, label, shortDescription, image, memberOf[]->{ _id, label, image } }, _type == 'PageHeader' => @{ ..., "palette": illustration.image.asset->.metadata.palette{ darkMuted, darkVibrant, dominant, lightMuted, vibrantMuted, muted, vibrant } }, _type == 'MiradorGallery' => @{ ..., items[] { _id, label, view, "owner": manifestRef->.hasCurrentOwner[]->{ _id, label }, "manifest": coalesce( manifestRef->.subjectOfManifest, manifestUrl, "/api/manifest/" + manifestRef->._id ), canvasUrl, }, }, _type == 'ActorCollection' => { ..., items[] { "label": coalesce(title, item->, "description": coalesce(description, item->referredToBy[0].body), "image": coalesce(image, item->image), file, item-> { _id, label, shortDescription, referredToBy[] { ... }, image } } }, _type == 'SingleObject' => @{ ..., view, item-> { _id, label, "owner": hasCurrentOwner[]-> { _id, label }, "manifest": coalesce( subjectOfManifest, manifestUrl, "/api/manifest/" + _id ), canvasUrl, } }, _type == 'SubStory' => { ..., content[] { ..., _type == 'SingleObject' => { ..., item-> { _id, label, "owner": hasCurrentOwner[]-> { _id, label }, "manifest": coalesce( subjectOfManifest, manifestUrl, "/api/manifest/" + _id ), canvasUrl, } }, _type == 'PageHeader' => { ..., "palette": illustration.image.asset->.metadata.palette{ darkMuted, darkVibrant, dominant, lightMuted, vibrantMuted, muted, vibrant } }, _type == 'MiradorGallery' => { ..., items[] { ..., "owner": manifestRef->.hasCurrentOwner[]->{ _id, label }, "manifest": coalesce( manifestRef->.subjectOfManifest, manifestUrl, "/api/manifest/" + manifestRef->._id ), canvasUrl, }, }, _type == 'SingleObject' => { ..., view, item-> { _id, label, "owner": hasCurrentOwner[]-> { _id, label }, "manifest": coalesce( subjectOfManifest, manifestUrl, "/api/manifest/" + _id ), canvasUrl, } }, } } }, content[] { ..., _type == 'PageHeader' => @{ ..., "palette": illustration.image.asset->.metadata.palette{ darkMuted, darkVibrant, dominant, lightMuted, vibrantMuted, muted, vibrant } }, _type == 'MiradorGallery' => @{ ..., items[] { _id, label, view, "owner": manifestRef->.hasCurrentOwner[]->{ _id, label }, "manifest": coalesce( manifestRef->.subjectOfManifest, manifestUrl, "/api/manifest/" + manifestRef->._id ), canvasUrl, }, }, _type == 'SingleObject' => @{ ..., view, item-> { _id, label, "owner": hasCurrentOwner[]-> { _id, label }, "manifest": coalesce( subjectOfManifest, manifestUrl, "/api/manifest/" + _id ), canvasUrl, } }, _type == 'ActorCollection' => @{ ..., items[] { ..., _id, title, "label": coalesce(title, "test"), shortDescription, description, item-> { _id, label, shortDescription, referredToBy[] { ... }, image } } }, } } }, ${siteSettings} } ` /* List query */ export const humanMadeObjectsQuery = groq`{ "items": *[_type == "HumanMadeObject"] | order(label){ _id, _type, label, preferredIdentifier, homepage, hasType[]-> { _id, label }, image, "description": referredToBy[]{ ... }, hasCurrentOwner[0]->{ _id, label, image }, "creation": activityStream[]{ _type in ["Production", "BeginningOfExistence"] => @{ "creators": contributionAssignedBy[]{ "name": assignedActor->.label, "_id": assignedActor->._id }, timespan } }, "aspectRatio": image.asset->.metadata.dimensions.aspectRatio, }, ${siteSettings} }` export const typeQuery = groq` *[_id == $id][0] { _type } ` export const eventsQuery = groq`{ "items": [ ...*[_type in ["Activity", "Event"]]{ ..., _id, label, hasType[]->{ _id, label }, timespan[]{ ..., "orderDate": coalesce(date, beginOfTheBegin) }, tookPlaceAt[]->{ _id, label }, }, ...*[defined(activityStream)].activityStream[featured == true]{ ${activityStreamFields} } ], ${siteSettings} }` export const contactCopyQuery = groq`{ "tags": *[_type == "media.tag"]| order(name.current desc){ name, "images": *[references(^._id)]{ ..., "isThumbnail": defined(*[_type == "HumanMadeObject" && references(^._id)]), "countAssetUsage": count(*[_type != "HumanMadeObject" && references(^._id)]) } }, ${siteSettings} }` export const physicalExhibitionQuery = groq`{ "item": *[_type == 'Exhibition'][0]{ ..., language[]->{ _id, label }, referredToBy[]{ ..., language->{ _id, label }, body[] { ..., _type == 'ExhibitionElement' => @{ ..., forseesUseOf-> { ... }, item-> { _id, _type, hasType[]->{ _id, label }, label, image } } } } }, ${siteSettings} }`