User guide for contact register
Logged-in user has case worker role (x_steas_uh_core.case_worker)
Logged in user has English as their preferred language
What is the contact register?
The contact register contains contacts that are used for archiving and dispatch. Contacts can be based on an individual or a business.
People who are imported into ServiceNow from IAM have a contact automatically created.
If the case officer cannot find the right contact for dispatch, the case officer can manually create a contact.
Create contact manually
Log in as a case worker
Open workspace 'UH Workspace'
Click the List button on the left side
Under menu option 'Contacts' there are two menu options
a. Contacts
b. Businesses
Click on the 'Contacts' menu option to create a contact for a person
a. Click on the button 'New'
b. Fill in required fields 'Name' and 'Email'
c. If the person has a user in the system, put this in the 'User' field
d. Click on the button 'Save'
Click on the 'Businesses' menu option to create a contact for a business
a. Click on the button 'New'
b. Fill in required fields 'Name' and 'Email'
c. Also fill in the field 'Organization ID' if it is available and the contact is to be used for dispatch
d. Search for existing business by starting to type in the field 'Company'
e. If the business is already in the system, put this in the field 'Company'
f. Click on the button 'Save'