import React from 'react' import PropTypes from 'prop-types' import intl from 'react-intl-universal' import { withStyles } from '@material-ui/core/styles' import clsx from 'clsx' import Table from '@material-ui/core/Table' import TableBody from '@material-ui/core/TableBody' import ResultTableCell from './ResultTableCell' import TableRow from '@material-ui/core/TableRow' import TableCell from '@material-ui/core/TableCell' import IconButton from '@material-ui/core/IconButton' import CircularProgress from '@material-ui/core/CircularProgress' import ExpandMoreIcon from '@material-ui/icons/ExpandMore' import purple from '@material-ui/core/colors/purple' import querystring from 'querystring' import ResultTableHead from './ResultTableHead' import TablePagination from '@material-ui/core/TablePagination' import ResultTablePaginationActions from './ResultTablePaginationActions' import history from '../../History' const styles = theme => ({ tableContainer: props => ({ overflow: 'auto', '& td, & th': { fontSize: props.layoutConfig.tableFontSize }, [theme.breakpoints.up(props.layoutConfig.hundredPercentHeightBreakPoint)]: { height: `calc(100% - ${props.layoutConfig.tabHeight + props.layoutConfig.paginationToolbarHeight + 2}px)` }, backgroundColor: theme.palette.background.paper, borderTop: '1px solid rgba(224, 224, 224, 1);' }), paginationRoot: { display: 'flex', backgroundColor: '#fff', borderTop: '1px solid rgba(224, 224, 224, 1);', alignItems: 'center' }, paginationCaption: { minWidth: 110 }, paginationToolbar: props => ({ '& p': { fontSize: '0.75rem' }, minHeight: props.layoutConfig.paginationToolbarHeight, [theme.breakpoints.down(480)]: { display: 'flex', flexWrap: 'wrap', height: 60 } }), progressContainer: { width: '100%', height: 'calc(100% - 72px)', display: 'flex', alignItems: 'center', justifyContent: 'center' }, expandCell: { paddingRight: 0, paddingTop: 0, paddingBottom: 0 }, expand: { transform: 'rotate(0deg)', marginLeft: 'auto', transition: theme.transitions.create('transform', { duration: theme.transitions.duration.shortest }) }, expandOpen: { transform: 'rotate(180deg)' } }) /** * A component for showing facet results as paginated table. * Based on Material-UI's Table component. */ class ResultTable extends React.Component { constructor (props) { super(props) this.state = { expandedRows: new Set() } } componentDidMount = () => { let page // first check if page was given as url parameter if ( === '') { page = === -1 ? 0 : } else { const qs ='?', '') page = parseInt(querystring.parse(qs).page) } // then update app state and url accordingly this.props.updatePage(this.props.resultClass, page) history.replace({ pathname: `${this.props.rootUrl}/${this.props.resultClass}/faceted-search/table`, search: `?page=${page}` }) // check if facet updates have been made before if (this.props.facetUpdateID > 0) { this.fetchResults() } } componentDidUpdate = prevProps => { // always fetch new results when page has updated if ( !== { this.fetchResults() history.replace({ pathname: `${this.props.rootUrl}/${this.props.resultClass}/faceted-search/table`, search: `?page=${}` }) } // when sort property or direction changes, return to first page if (this.needNewResults(prevProps)) { if ( === 0) { this.fetchResults() } else { this.props.updatePage(this.props.resultClass, 0) } } // handle browser's back button window.onpopstate = () => { const qs ='?', '') const newPage = parseInt(querystring.parse(qs).page) if (newPage !== { this.props.updatePage(this.props.resultClass, newPage) } } } fetchResults = () => { this.props.fetchPaginatedResults(this.props.resultClass, this.props.facetClass, } needNewResults = prevProps => { return ( !== || !== || prevProps.facetUpdateID !== this.props.facetUpdateID || !== ) } handleChangePage = (event, page) => { if (event != null && ! { this.props.updatePage(this.props.resultClass, page) } } handleOnChangeRowsPerPage = event => { const rowsPerPage = if (rowsPerPage !== { this.props.updateRowsPerPage(this.props.resultClass, rowsPerPage) } } handleSortBy = sortBy => event => { if (event != null) { this.props.sortResults(this.props.resultClass, sortBy) } } handleExpandRow = rowId => event => this.updateExpanedRows(rowId) handleExpandRowFromChildComponent = rowId => this.updateExpanedRows(rowId) updateExpanedRows = rowId => { const expandedRows = this.state.expandedRows if (expandedRows.has(rowId)) { expandedRows.delete(rowId) } else { expandedRows.add(rowId) } this.setState({ expandedRows }) } rowRenderer = row => { const { classes, screenSize, data } = this.props const expanded = data.paginatedResultsAlwaysExpandRows ? true : this.state.expandedRows.has( let hasExpandableContent = false let renderExpandButton const dataCells = => { const { id, valueType, makeLink, externalLink, sortValues, sortBy, numberedList, minWidth, height, linkAsButton, collapsedMaxWords, sourceExternalLink, renderAsHTML, HTMLParserTask } = column let { previewImageHeight } = column if (screenSize === 'xs' || screenSize === 'sm') { previewImageHeight = 50 } if (column.onlyOnInstancePage) { return null } const columnData = row[] == null ? '-' : row[] const isArray = Array.isArray(columnData) if (isArray) { hasExpandableContent = true } // if there are multiple images, they can be viewed by clicking the preview image, // not by expanding if (column.valueType === 'image' && Array.isArray(columnData)) { hasExpandableContent = false } let shortenLabel = false // check if label should be shortened in ResultTableCell if (!isArray && column.collapsedMaxWords && columnData !== '-') { if (column.valueType === 'string' && columnData.split(' ').length > column.collapsedMaxWords) { hasExpandableContent = true shortenLabel = !expanded // shorten label only if the cell is not expanded } if (column.valueType === 'object' && columnData.prefLabel.split(' ').length > column.collapsedMaxWords) { hasExpandableContent = true shortenLabel = !expanded // shorten label only if the cell is not expanded } } renderExpandButton = data.paginatedResultsAlwaysExpandRows ? false : hasExpandableContent return ( <ResultTableCell key={id} rowId={} columnId={id} tableData={data} data={columnData} valueType={valueType} makeLink={makeLink} externalLink={externalLink} sortValues={sortValues} sortBy={sortBy} numberedList={numberedList} height={height} minWidth={minWidth} previewImageHeight={previewImageHeight} container='cell' expanded={expanded} onExpandClick={this.handleExpandRowFromChildComponent} linkAsButton={linkAsButton} collapsedMaxWords={collapsedMaxWords} shortenLabel={shortenLabel} showSource={false} sourceExternalLink={sourceExternalLink} renderAsHTML={renderAsHTML} HTMLParserTask={HTMLParserTask} referencedTerm={columnData.referencedTerm} /> ) }) return ( <TableRow key={}> <TableCell className={classes.expandCell}> {renderExpandButton && <IconButton className={clsx(classes.expand, { [classes.expandOpen]: expanded })} onClick={this.handleExpandRow(} aria-expanded={expanded} aria-label='Show more' > <ExpandMoreIcon /> </IconButton>} </TableCell> {dataCells} </TableRow> ) } render () { const { classes } = this.props const { resultCount, paginatedResults, page, pagesize, sortBy, sortDirection, fetching } = return ( <> <TablePagination component='div' classes={{ root: classes.paginationRoot, caption: classes.paginationCaption, toolbar: classes.paginationToolbar }} count={resultCount == null ? 0 : resultCount} labelDisplayedRows={resultCount == null ? () => '-' : ({ from, to, count }) => `${from}-${to} of ${count}`} rowsPerPage={pagesize} labelRowsPerPage={intl.get('table.rowsPerPage')} rowsPerPageOptions={[5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 50, 100]} page={page === -1 || resultCount === 0 ? 0 : page} SelectProps={{ inputProps: { 'aria-label': 'rows per page' }, native: true }} onChangePage={this.handleChangePage} onChangeRowsPerPage={this.handleOnChangeRowsPerPage} ActionsComponent={ResultTablePaginationActions} /> <div className={classes.tableContainer}> {fetching ? ( <div className={classes.progressContainer}> <CircularProgress style={{ color: purple[500] }} thickness={5} /> </div> ) : ( <Table size='small'> <ResultTableHead resultClass={this.props.resultClass} columns={} onSortBy={this.handleSortBy} sortBy={sortBy} sortDirection={sortDirection} routeProps={this.props.routeProps} /> <TableBody> { => this.rowRenderer(row))} </TableBody> </Table> )} </div> </> ) } } ResultTable.propTypes = { classes: PropTypes.object.isRequired, data: PropTypes.object.isRequired, resultClass: PropTypes.string.isRequired, facetClass: PropTypes.string.isRequired, facetUpdateID: PropTypes.number.isRequired, fetchPaginatedResults: PropTypes.func.isRequired, sortResults: PropTypes.func.isRequired, updatePage: PropTypes.func.isRequired, updateRowsPerPage: PropTypes.func.isRequired, routeProps: PropTypes.object.isRequired, rootUrl: PropTypes.string.isRequired } export const ResultTableComponent = ResultTable export default withStyles(styles)(ResultTable)