const perspectiveID = 'finds' export const findPropertiesInstancePage = ` { ?id skos:prefLabel ?prefLabel__id . BIND(?prefLabel__id as ?prefLabel__prefLabel) BIND(?id as ?uri__id) BIND(?id as ?uri__dataProviderUrl) BIND(?id as ?uri__prefLabel) } UNION { ?id :type ?type . } UNION { ?id :sub_category ?subCategory . } UNION { ?id :material_literal ?materialLiteral . } UNION { ?id :material ?material__id . ?material__id skos:prefLabel ?material__prefLabel . } UNION { ?id :period ?period . } UNION { ?id :municipality_literal ?municipalityLiteral . } UNION { ?id :municipality ?municipality__id . ?municipality__id skos:prefLabel ?municipality__prefLabel . } UNION { ?id :image_url ?image__id . ?id :find_name ?image__title . BIND(?image__id as ?image__url) BIND(CONCAT("Sample description text for image ", ?image__id) as ?image__description) } ` export const findPropertiesFacetResults = ` { ?id skos:prefLabel ?prefLabel__id . BIND (?prefLabel__id as ?prefLabel__prefLabel) BIND(CONCAT("/${perspectiveID}/page/", REPLACE(STR(?id), "^.*\\\\/(.+)", "$1")) AS ?prefLabel__dataProviderUrl) } UNION { ?id :specification ?specification . } UNION { ?id :type ?type . } UNION { ?id :sub_category ?subCategory . } UNION { ?id :object_type ?objectType__id. ?objectType__id skos:prefLabel ?objectType__prefLabel . } UNION { ?id :material_literal ?materialLiteral . } UNION { ?id :material ?material__id . ?material__id skos:prefLabel ?material__prefLabel . } UNION { ?id :period ?period . } UNION { ?id :start_year ?startYearLiteral . } UNION { ?id :end_year ?endYearLiteral . } UNION { ?id :municipality_literal ?municipalityLiteral . } UNION { ?id :municipality ?municipality__id . ?municipality__id skos:prefLabel ?municipality__prefLabel . } UNION { ?id :province_literal ?provinceLiteral . } UNION { ?id :province ?province__id . ?province__id skos:prefLabel ?province__prefLabel . } UNION { ?id crm:P4_has_time_span/crm:P82a_begin_of_the_begin ?earliestStart . BIND (YEAR(?earliestStart) as ?startYear) . } UNION { ?id crm:P4_has_time_span/crm:P82b_end_of_the_end ?latestEnd . BIND (YEAR(?latestEnd) as ?endYear) . } UNION { ?id :image_url ?image__id . ?id :find_name ?image__title . BIND(?image__id as ?image__url) BIND(CONCAT("Sample description text for image ", ?image__id) as ?image__description) } ` export const findsPlacesQuery = ` SELECT ?id ?lat ?long WHERE { <FILTER> ?id wgs84:lat ?lat ; wgs84:long ?long . } ` export const findsTimelineQuery = ` SELECT ?id ?group ?data__id ?data__uri ?data__label ?data__data__id ?data__data__label ?data__data__val ?data__data__timeRange WHERE { <FILTER> # a placeholder for facet filters ?find :material/skos:prefLabel ?id . # ?id = first hierarchy level BIND (?id as ?group) #?find :find_name ?data__id . # ?data__id = second hierarchy level ?find :find_name ?lable_temp . BIND( STRAFTER(STR(?find),'' ) AS ?find_num ). BIND (CONCAT(str(?lable_temp), str(?find_num)) as ?data__id) . BIND (?data__id as ?data__label) BIND (?find_num as ?data__data__id) # ?data__data__id = third hierarchy level BIND (?data__id as ?data__data__label) BIND (?data__id as ?data__data__val) # make sure that the selected finds have both 'start_year' and 'end_year' #?find :start_year [] . #?find :end_year [] . ?find crm:P4_has_time_span/crm:P82a_begin_of_the_begin [] . ?find crm:P4_has_time_span/crm:P82b_end_of_the_end [] . # Combine 'start_year' and 'end_year' into same variable, # so that the result mapper creates an array from these. #?find :start_year|:end_year ?data__data__timeRange . #?find crm:P4_has_time_span/crm:P82a_begin_of_the_begin|crm:P4_has_time_span/crm:P82b_end_of_the_end ?date . #BIND(CONCAT(str(?date), 'T00:00:00+00:00') AS ?date_wth_ending) . #BIND(STRDT(STR(?date_wth_ending), xsd:dateTime) AS ?data__data__timeRange) ?find crm:P4_has_time_span/crm:P82a_begin_of_the_begin|crm:P4_has_time_span/crm:P82b_end_of_the_end ?date . # Ignore missing values in the first hierarchy level FILTER (?id != "-") # fill two extra digits with zeros for BCE dates BIND (STRAFTER(str(?date), '-') AS ?after) BIND (IF (STRSTARTS(str(?date), '-'), CONCAT('-00', ?after), str(?date)) AS ?new_date) . BIND(STRDT(STR(?new_date), xsd:dateTime) AS ?data__data__timeRange) . } `