import React from 'react' import PropTypes from 'prop-types' import { withStyles } from '@material-ui/core/styles' import Chip from '@material-ui/core/Chip' import Tooltip from '@material-ui/core/Tooltip' import { ISOStringToYear } from './FacetHelpers' const styles = theme => ({ root: { display: 'flex', justifyContent: 'center', flexWrap: 'wrap' }, chip: { margin: theme.spacing(0.5) } }) /** * A component for displaying the active facet selections an array of Material-UI's Chips. * Redux is used for keeping track of the selections. */ const ChipsArray = props => { const handleDelete = item => () => { if (!props.someFacetIsFetching && !props.fetchingResultCount) { switch (item.filterType) { case 'uriFilter': props.updateFacetOption({ facetClass: props.facetClass, facetID: item.facetID, option: item.filterType, value: item.value }) break case 'textFilter': props.updateFacetOption({ facetClass: props.facetClass, facetID: item.facetID, option: item.filterType, value: null }) break case 'timespanFilter': case 'integerFilter': props.updateFacetOption({ facetClass: props.facetClass, facetID: item.facetID, option: item.filterType, value: null }) props.fetchFacet({ facetClass: props.facetClass, facetID: item.facetID }) } } } const generateLabel = (facetLabel, valueLabel, filterType) => { return filterType !== 'timespanFilter' && filterType !== 'integerFilter' && valueLabel.length > 18 ? `${facetLabel}: ${valueLabel.substring(0, 18)}...` : `${facetLabel}: ${valueLabel}` } const { classes, data } = props return ( <div className={classes.root}> {data !== null && => { const icon = null let key = null let valueLabel = null if (item.filterType === 'uriFilter') { key = valueLabel = item.value.node.prefLabel } if (item.filterType === 'textFilter') { key = item.value valueLabel = item.value } if (item.filterType === 'timespanFilter') { key = item.facetID valueLabel = `${ISOStringToYear(item.value.start)} to ${ISOStringToYear(item.value.end)}` } if (item.filterType === 'integerFilter') { const { start, end } = item.value key = item.facetID // valueLabel = `${item.value.start} to ${item.value.end}`; valueLabel = ` ${start !== '' ? start : '-'} to ${end !== '' ? end : '-'}` } return ( <Tooltip key={key} title={`${item.facetLabel}: ${valueLabel}`}> <Chip key={key} icon={icon} label={generateLabel(item.facetLabel, valueLabel, item.filterType)} className={classes.chip} disabled={props.someFacetIsFetching || props.fetchingResultCount} onDelete={handleDelete(item)} color='primary' /> </Tooltip> ) })} </div> ) } ChipsArray.propTypes = { classes: PropTypes.object.isRequired, data: PropTypes.array.isRequired, facetClass: PropTypes.string.isRequired, updateFacetOption: PropTypes.func.isRequired, someFacetIsFetching: PropTypes.bool.isRequired, fetchingResultCount: PropTypes.bool.isRequired, fetchFacet: PropTypes.func.isRequired } export const ChipsArrayComponent = ChipsArray export default withStyles(styles)(ChipsArray)