  <v-app id="app">

    <div class = "banner" aria-hidden="true" :class="$vuetify.breakpoint">
      <div v-if="show_banner_text">
      <h1 :class="$vuetify.breakpoint.name">Ordbøkene</h1>
      <p class="sub-title">{{$t("sub_title")}}</p>


      <div id="photo-attribution" v-if="!$route.name"><span :aria-label="$t('background')"/>{{$t('photo')}}</div>
      <div :class="$vuetify.breakpoint.xs?'sm':'lg'">
          <img id="srlogo" src="./assets/Sprakradet_logo_neg.png" alt="Logo, Språkrådet">
          <img id="uiblogo" src="./assets/uib-logo.svg" alt="Logo, UiB">
      <div><em>Bokmålsordboka</em>{{$t('and')}}<em>Nynorskordboka</em>{{$t('footer_description')}} <a href="mailto:ordbok-beta@uib.no">ordbok-beta@uib.no</a>.</div>
import TopBar from './components/TopBar.vue'

  export default {
    computed: {
      show_banner_text: function() {
        return !this.$route.name || (window.innerHeight > 800 && this.$route.name != 'about' )
    components: {

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html, body {
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body {
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h1 {
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.banner h1 {
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h1.xs, h1.sm {
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.banner {
  padding-top: 10px;

.banner p {
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.banner a {
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.beta {
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  color: white;

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footer  a {
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.top-bar .v-toolbar__content {
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.banner {
  position: relative;
  padding-left: calc((100vw - 1200px) / 2);
  padding-right: calc((100vw - 1200px) / 2);
  background-color: var(--v-tertiary-base);

.banner.xs, .banner.sm {
  padding-top: 0px;
.banner.xs div, .banner.sm div{
  display: none;

.sub-title {
  font-size: 18px;
  margin: 0px;
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.sub-title {
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footer {
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footer > div {
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footer > div.lg > div {
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footer > div.sm > div {
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#srlogo {
  height: 20px;

#uiblogo {
  height: 60px;

.v-btn {
  font-weight: bold !important;

/* all inflection-table css shoud be moved to beta.ordbok */
td[class="infl-group"] {
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th[class="infl-group"] {
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.v-application .rounded-xl {
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.theme--light.v-label, .theme--light.v-subheader, .transparent-text{
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#photo-attribution {
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