import { Token } from "./tokenizer"; import { AstNode, Identifier, Operator, PhysicalUnit, MeasuredNumber, Assignment, Statement, PrimitiveExpr, PhysicalUnitEnum, Distance, Time, Multiplicative, Additive, GroupExpr, Expr, Mass, Velocity, } from "./types"; export function parseProgram(tokens: Token[]): AstNode[] { let currentPosition = -1; let AstNodes: AstNode[] = []; while (currentPosition < tokens.length - 1) { AstNodes.push(Statement()); } return AstNodes; function getCurrentToken() { // 1. Return the element of array `tokens` at the current position. return tokens[currentPosition]; } function advance(): void { // 1. Increment the value of `currentPosition` by 1. // TODO: YOUR CODE HERE } function peek() { // 1. Return the element of array `tokens` at a position immediately after the current position. // TODO: YOUR CODE HERE } function error() { return new Error( "Parsing failed at position: " + currentPosition + ". The erroneous input token is: " + getCurrentToken().value ); } /*** functions for terminal symbols of the grammar ***/ function KeywordLet(): void { // 1. Peek the next input token. // 1.1. If it is the keyword `let`, then: if (peek().kind === "KeywordLet") { // 1.1.1. Advance the position of the parser. advance(); } // 1.2. Otherwise, i.e., if it is not a keyword `let`, report an error. else throw error(); } function Equals(): void { // 1. Peek the next input token. // 1.1. If it is an equality symbol `=`, then: // 1.1.1. Advance the position of the parser. // 1.2. Otherwise, i.e., if it is not an equality sign, report an error. // TODO: YOUR CODE HERE } function Semicolon(): void { // TODO: YOUR CODE HERE } function /* TODO: YOUR CODE HERE */(): void { // TODO: YOUR CODE HERE } function /* TODO: YOUR CODE HERE */(): void { // TODO: YOUR CODE HERE } /*** functions for "special" terminal symbols that also have a value (these special terminals are: `NumericalLiteral`, `Identifier` and `PhysicalUnit`) ***/ function NumericalLiteral(): number { // 1. Peek the next input token. // 1.1. If it is a numeric literal, then: // 1.1.1. Advance the position of the parser. // 1.2. Otherwise, i.e., if it is not a numeric literal, report an error. // TODO: YOUR CODE HERE // 2. Return the numerical value of the token. return parseInt(/* TODO: YOUR CODE HERE */, 10); } function Identifier(): Identifier { // 1. Peek the next input token. // 2. If its kind is `Identifier`, then: if (peek().kind === "Identifier") { // 2.1. Advance the position of the parser. advance(); // 2.2. Return an object with two properties: `name` and `nodeType`. return { // 2.2.1. The property `name` should be the value of the current token. // TODO: YOUR CODE HERE // 2.2.2. The property `nodeType` should be `Identifier`. nodeType: "Identifier" }; } // 3. Throw an error otherwise (i.e., if the kind of the peek'ed token is not `Identifier`. throw error(); } function PhysicalUnit(): PhysicalUnit { // 1. Advance the position of the parser. advance(); // 2. Get the current token and store it in some variable. let unit = getCurrentToken(); // 3. Check the kind of that token. // 3.1. If it is `PhysicalUnit`, then: if (unit.kind === "PhysicalUnit") { // 3.1.1. Store the value of the token in some variable. let unitValue = unit.value; // 3.1.2. If that value is one of the time units, then: if (["min", "s", "h"].includes(unitValue)) { // Return an object with the following properties: return { // Property `value` should be the value of the token, casted to type `Time` // TODO: YOUR CODE HERE // Property `kind` should be `PhysicalUnitEnum.Time` // TODO: YOUR CODE HERE // Property `nodeType` should be `PhysicalUnit` // TODO: YOUR CODE HERE }; // 3.1.3. Otherwise, if that value is one of the mass units, then: } else if (/* TODO: YOUR CODE HERE */) { // Return an object with the following properties: // Property `value` should be the value of the token, casted to type `Mass` // Property `kind` should be `PhysicalUnitEnum.Mass` // Property `nodeType` should be `PhysicalUnit` // TODO: YOUR CODE HERE }; // 3.1.4. Otherwise, if that value is one of the (???what???) units, then: } else if (/* TODO: YOUR CODE HERE */) { // TODO: YOUR CODE HERE } // 3.1.5. Otherwise, if that value is one of the (???what???) units, then: else if ( // TODO: YOUR CODE HERE ) { // TODO: YOUR CODE HERE } } // 3.2. Otherwise, i.e., if the kind of the token is not `PhysicalUnit`, throw an error. throw error(); } /*** functions for non-terminal symbols of the grammar ***/ function Statement(): Statement { // 1.1. A statement is an assignment statement. // 1.2. Return a corresponding AST node. return AssignStatement(); } function AssignStatement(): Assignment { // 1. Expect (i.e., consume) keyword `let`. KeywordLet(); // 2. Expect an identifier, and store it in a variable. let assignee = Identifier(); // 3. Expect an equality symbol `=`. // TODO: YOUR CODE HERE // 4. Expect an expression, and store it in a variable. // TODO: YOUR CODE HERE // 5. Expect a semicolon. // TODO: YOUR CODE HERE // 6. Return an AST node that represents an assignment statement -- it is an object with: return { // 6.1. A property that represents the assignee (i.e., the variable that has been assigned to). assignee, // 6.2. A property that represents the expression on the right-hand side of the assignment statement. // TODO: YOUR CODE HERE // 6.3. A property `nodeType` which is (???what???). // TODO: YOUR CODE HERE }; } function Expr(): Expr { // TODO: YOUR CODE HERE } function GroupExpr(): GroupExpr { // TODO: YOUR CODE HERE } function PrimitiveExpr(): PrimitiveExpr { // 1. Peek the next input token. // 2. Depending on what this token is: switch (peek().kind) { // 2.1. If it is an identifier: case "Identifier": // 2.1.1. Expect an identifier. // 2.1.2. Return an AST node that represents it. return Identifier(); // 2.2. If it is a number: case "Number": // 2.2.1. Expect a measured number. // 2.2.2. Return an AST node that represents it. // TODO: YOUR CODE HERE // 2.3. If it is a (???what???): case /* TODO: YOUR CODE HERE */: // TODO: YOUR CODE HERE // 2.4. Otherwise, if it is none of the above: default: // 2.4.1. Throw an error. throw error(); } } function MeasuredNumber(): MeasuredNumber { // TODO: YOUR CODE HERE } function OpAddSub(): Operator { // 1. Peek the next input token. // 1.1. If it is either `+` or `-`, then: if (peek().kind == "OpAddSub") { // 1.1.1. Advance the position of the parser. // TODO: YOUR CODE HERE } // 1.2. Otherwise, i.e., if it is not `+` or `-`, report an error. else throw error(); // 2. Depending on the value of the token: switch (getCurrentToken().value) { // 2.1. If it is `+`, then: case "+": // 2.1.1. Return an AST node that represents an addition-like operator -- it is an object with: return { // A property `value` which is `+`. value: "+", // A property `nodeType` which is `OpAddSub`. nodeType: "OpAddSub" }; // 2.2. If it is `-`, then: case "-": // TODO: YOUR CODE HERE // 2.3. Otherwise, i.e., if it is neither `+` nor `-`: default: // 2.3.1. Throw an error. throw error(); } } function OpMulDiv(): Operator { // TODO: YOUR CODE HERE } function Additive(): PrimitiveExpr | Multiplicative | Additive { // 1. Expect a multiplicative expression, and store it in a variable. let left: PrimitiveExpr | Multiplicative | Additive = Multiplicative(); // 2. Emulate repetition in the grammar `{ ... }*` by peeking the next input token. See also item 2.2. below. // 2.1. Check whether that peek'ed token is `+` or `-`. while (peek().kind === "OpAddSub") { // 3. Expect (i.e., consume) that peek'ed token, and store it in a variable. let op = OpAddSub(); // 4. Expect a multiplicative expression, and store it in a variable. let right = /* TODO: YOUR CODE HERE */; // 5. Update the expression stored in item 1. to be an AST node that represents an additive expression -- it is an object with: left = { // 5.1. A property that represents the left operand of the multiplicative expression. left, // 5.2. A property that represents the operator of the multiplicative expression. // TODO: YOUR CODE HERE // 5.3. A property that represents the right operator of the multiplicative expression. right, // 5.4. A property `nodeType` which is (???what???). nodeType: /* TODO: YOUR CODE HERE */, }; // 2.2. Make an iteration of the loop to process the possible remaining part of the multiplicative expression. } // 5.5. Return the AST node. return left; } function Multiplicative(): Multiplicative | PrimitiveExpr { // TODO: YOUR CODE HERE } }