Do not retry transactions handler if it tried to send to Setra an object that already exists there.
Includes the possibility of stopping the processing of batch that won't be accepted by setra due to an empty description, and a longer pause before the next handler action after that.
v2.0.0 Changes since 1.2.0 - 08e8782 Don't raise an error on missing transaksjons_hoder - 7df044a Adjust image path in .gitlab-ci.yml
v1.2.0 - 9faf0fb Update python to 3.10 - 1b17098 Add automatic retry to api clients - a167c13 Add linting python and yaml and error checking json to pipeline
- Batch of bruker - Batch of begrepsverdier
OM-59, support for lock using postgres db lock Updated setra-client
Removes parallelizing of sending post requests during the update of objects for ompostering in a daily cron job
Fixes update operation for cron in case of multiple types of instances
Uses the OM-client that supports batch updating of the projects