From dc1dbdb8800f169e6243372eab53889c723fe29d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Andreas Ellewsen <>
Date: Thu, 10 Feb 2022 15:14:25 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Move key to kill warning and add form tag

 .../src/routes/sponsor/frontpage/index.tsx    |   8 +-
 .../routes/sponsor/guest/guestInfo/index.tsx  | 241 +++++++++---------
 2 files changed, 129 insertions(+), 120 deletions(-)

diff --git a/frontend/src/routes/sponsor/frontpage/index.tsx b/frontend/src/routes/sponsor/frontpage/index.tsx
index 015cac64..7f81dca7 100644
--- a/frontend/src/routes/sponsor/frontpage/index.tsx
+++ b/frontend/src/routes/sponsor/frontpage/index.tsx
@@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ const PersonLine = ({ person, role }: PersonLineProps) => {
   const [t] = useTranslation(['common'])
   return (
-    <StyledTableRow key={`${person.first} ${person.last}`}>
+    <StyledTableRow>
       <TableCell component="th" scope="row">
         {`${person.first} ${person.last}`}
@@ -190,7 +190,11 @@ const GuestTable = ({ guests, emptyText }: GuestTableProps) => {
           {guests.length > 0 ? (
      => (
-                <PersonLine role={role} person={person} />
+                <PersonLine
+                  key={`${person.first} ${person.last} ${}`}
+                  role={role}
+                  person={person}
+                />
           ) : (
diff --git a/frontend/src/routes/sponsor/guest/guestInfo/index.tsx b/frontend/src/routes/sponsor/guest/guestInfo/index.tsx
index 28c1cd68..ed588018 100644
--- a/frontend/src/routes/sponsor/guest/guestInfo/index.tsx
+++ b/frontend/src/routes/sponsor/guest/guestInfo/index.tsx
@@ -170,131 +170,136 @@ export default function GuestInfo({
   return (
       <SponsorInfoButtons to="/sponsor" name={`${guest.first} ${guest.last}`} />
-      <Box sx={{ marginBottom: '2rem' }}>
-        <Typography variant="h2">{t('guestInfo.contactInfo')}</Typography>
-        <Typography variant="body1">
-          {t('guestInfo.contactInfoBody')}
-        </Typography>
+      <form>
+        <Box sx={{ marginBottom: '2rem' }}>
+          <Typography variant="h2">{t('guestInfo.contactInfo')}</Typography>
+          <Typography variant="body1">
+            {t('guestInfo.contactInfoBody')}
+          </Typography>
-        <TableContainer>
-          <Table sx={{ minWidth: 650 }} aria-label="simple table">
-            <TableHead>
-              <TableRow>
-                <TableHeadCell align="left" colSpan={2}>
-                  {t('guestInfo.contactInfoTableText')}
-                </TableHeadCell>
-              </TableRow>
-            </TableHead>
-            <TableBody>
-              <TableRow>
-                <TableCell align="left">{t('input.fullName')}</TableCell>
-                <TableCell align="left">
-                  {`${guest.first} ${guest.last}`}
-                </TableCell>
-                <TableCell />
-              </TableRow>
-              <TableRow>
-                <TableCell align="left">{t('')}</TableCell>
-                <TableCell align="left">
-                  <Box
-                    sx={{
-                      display: 'flex',
-                      flexDirection: { xs: 'column', md: 'row' },
-                      justifyContent: 'flex-start',
-                    }}
-                  >
-                    <Controller
-                      name="email"
-                      control={control}
-                      rules={{
-                        validate: isValidEmail,
+          <TableContainer>
+            <Table sx={{ minWidth: 650 }} aria-label="simple table">
+              <TableHead>
+                <TableRow>
+                  <TableHeadCell align="left" colSpan={2}>
+                    {t('guestInfo.contactInfoTableText')}
+                  </TableHeadCell>
+                </TableRow>
+              </TableHead>
+              <TableBody>
+                <TableRow>
+                  <TableCell align="left">{t('input.fullName')}</TableCell>
+                  <TableCell align="left">
+                    {`${guest.first} ${guest.last}`}
+                  </TableCell>
+                  <TableCell />
+                </TableRow>
+                <TableRow>
+                  <TableCell align="left">{t('')}</TableCell>
+                  <TableCell align="left">
+                    <Box
+                      sx={{
+                        display: 'flex',
+                        flexDirection: { xs: 'column', md: 'row' },
+                        justifyContent: 'flex-start',
-                      render={({ field: { value }, }) => (
-                        <TextField
-                          id="email"
-                          label={t('')}
-                          error={!!}
-                          helperText={ &&}
-                          value={value}
-                          {}
-                          onChange={emailFieldChange}
-                        />
-                      )}
-                    />
-                    {/* If the guest has not completed the registration process, he should have an invitation he has not responded to */}
-                    {!guest.registered && (
-                      <Box
-                        sx={{
-                          display: 'flex',
-                          flexDirection: 'row',
-                          justifyContent: { xs: 'flex-start', md: 'flex-end' },
+                    >
+                      <Controller
+                        name="email"
+                        control={control}
+                        rules={{
+                          validate: isValidEmail,
-                      >
-                        <Button
-                          color="secondary"
-                          sx={{
-                            maxHeight: '2.3rem',
-                            marginLeft: { xs: '0rem', md: '1rem' },
-                            marginTop: { xs: '0.3rem', md: '0rem' },
-                          }}
-                          onClick={resend}
-                        >
-                          {t('button.resendInvitation')}
-                        </Button>
-                        <Button
-                          color="secondary"
+                        render={({ field: { value }, }) => (
+                          <TextField
+                            id="email"
+                            label={t('')}
+                            error={!!}
+                            helperText={ &&}
+                            value={value}
+                            {}
+                            onChange={emailFieldChange}
+                          />
+                        )}
+                      />
+                      {/* If the guest has not completed the registration process, he should have an invitation he has not responded to */}
+                      {!guest.registered && (
+                        <Box
-                            maxHeight: '2.3rem',
-                            marginLeft: '0.5rem',
-                            marginTop: { xs: '0.3rem', md: '0rem' },
+                            display: 'flex',
+                            flexDirection: 'row',
+                            justifyContent: {
+                              xs: 'flex-start',
+                              md: 'flex-end',
+                            },
-                          onClick={handleCancel}
-                          {t('button.cancelInvitation')}
-                        </Button>
-                      </Box>
-                    )}
-                  </Box>
-                  <CancelConfirmationDialog
-                    open={confirmationDialogOpen}
-                    onClose={handleDialogClose}
-                  />
-                </TableCell>
-                <TableCell />
-              </TableRow>
-              <TableRow>
-                <TableCell align="left">{t('input.mobilePhone')}</TableCell>
-                <TableCell align="left">{}</TableCell>
-              </TableRow>
-              <TableRow>
-                <TableCell align="left">{t('feideId')}</TableCell>
-                <TableCell align="left">{guest.feide_id}</TableCell>
-              </TableRow>
+                          <Button
+                            color="secondary"
+                            sx={{
+                              maxHeight: '2.3rem',
+                              marginLeft: { xs: '0rem', md: '1rem' },
+                              marginTop: { xs: '0.3rem', md: '0rem' },
+                            }}
+                            onClick={resend}
+                          >
+                            {t('button.resendInvitation')}
+                          </Button>
+                          <Button
+                            color="secondary"
+                            sx={{
+                              maxHeight: '2.3rem',
+                              marginLeft: '0.5rem',
+                              marginTop: { xs: '0.3rem', md: '0rem' },
+                            }}
+                            onClick={handleCancel}
+                          >
+                            {t('button.cancelInvitation')}
+                          </Button>
+                        </Box>
+                      )}
+                    </Box>
+                    <CancelConfirmationDialog
+                      open={confirmationDialogOpen}
+                      onClose={handleDialogClose}
+                    />
+                  </TableCell>
+                  <TableCell />
+                </TableRow>
+                <TableRow>
+                  <TableCell align="left">{t('input.mobilePhone')}</TableCell>
+                  <TableCell align="left">{}</TableCell>
+                </TableRow>
+                <TableRow>
+                  <TableCell align="left">{t('feideId')}</TableCell>
+                  <TableCell align="left">{guest.feide_id}</TableCell>
+                </TableRow>
-              <IdentityLine
-                text={t('input.nationalIdNumber')}
-                identity={guest.fnr}
-                reloadGuest={reloadGuest}
-                reloadGuests={reloadGuests}
-              />
-              <IdentityLine
-                text={t('input.passportNumber')}
-                identity={guest.passport}
-                reloadGuest={reloadGuest}
-                reloadGuests={reloadGuests}
-              />
-            </TableBody>
-          </Table>
-        </TableContainer>
-        <Button
-          color="secondary"
-          disabled={! && !emailDirty}
-          onClick={onSubmit}
-        >
-          {t('')}
-        </Button>
-      </Box>
+                <IdentityLine
+                  text={t('input.nationalIdNumber')}
+                  identity={guest.fnr}
+                  reloadGuest={reloadGuest}
+                  reloadGuests={reloadGuests}
+                />
+                <IdentityLine
+                  text={t('input.passportNumber')}
+                  identity={guest.passport}
+                  reloadGuest={reloadGuest}
+                  reloadGuests={reloadGuests}
+                />
+              </TableBody>
+            </Table>
+          </TableContainer>
+          <Button
+            color="secondary"
+            disabled={! && !emailDirty}
+            onClick={onSubmit}
+          >
+            {t('')}
+          </Button>
+        </Box>
+      </form>
       <Typography variant="h2">{t('guestInfo.roleInfoHead')}</Typography>
       <Typography variant="body1">{t('guestInfo.roleInfoBody')}</Typography>