diff --git a/frontend/src/routes/sponsor/guest/newGuestRole/index.tsx b/frontend/src/routes/sponsor/guest/newGuestRole/index.tsx
index f9671a6949817948f40270253c1959bfb17d3a97..fa5c8ef32560f4118331794d6ee69238109f7bfa 100644
--- a/frontend/src/routes/sponsor/guest/newGuestRole/index.tsx
+++ b/frontend/src/routes/sponsor/guest/newGuestRole/index.tsx
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-import { useState } from 'react'
+import { useEffect, useState } from 'react'
 import { Controller, useForm } from 'react-hook-form'
 import { useTranslation } from 'react-i18next'
 import { Link, useNavigate, useParams } from 'react-router-dom'
@@ -29,6 +29,11 @@ import { submitJsonOpts } from 'utils'
 import { useFeatureContext } from 'contexts/featureContext'
 import { availableInSearchEnabled } from 'appConfig'
+import SubmitState from '../../register/submitState'
+import ServerErrorReport, {
+  ServerErrorReportData,
+} from '../../../../components/errorReport'
 type AddRoleFormData = {
   orgunit: number
   type: string
@@ -58,47 +63,11 @@ interface NewGuestRoleProps {
   reloadGuestInfo: () => void
-const postRole = async (formData: AddRoleFormData, pid: string) => {
-  const payload: AddRolePayload = {
-    orgunit: formData.orgunit,
-    person: pid,
-    type: formData.type,
-    end_date: format(formData.end_date as Date, 'yyyy-MM-dd'),
-  }
-  if (formData.start_date) {
-    payload.start_date = format(formData.start_date as Date, 'yyyy-MM-dd')
-  }
-  if (formData.contact_person_unit) {
-    payload.contact_person_unit = formData.contact_person_unit
-  }
-  if (formData.comments) {
-    payload.comments = formData.comments
-  }
-  if (availableInSearchEnabled && formData.available_in_search) {
-    payload.available_in_search = formData.available_in_search
-  }
-  console.log('submitting', JSON.stringify(payload))
-  fetch('/api/ui/v1/role', submitJsonOpts('POST', payload))
-    .then((res) => {
-      if (!res.ok) {
-        console.log('result', res)
-        return null
-      }
-      console.log('result', res)
-      return res.text()
-    })
-    .then((result) => {
-      if (result !== null) {
-        console.log('result', result)
-      }
-    })
-    .catch((error) => {
-      console.log('error', error)
-    })
 function NewGuestRole({ guest, reloadGuestInfo }: NewGuestRoleProps) {
+  const [submitState, setSubmitState] = useState(SubmitState.NotSubmitted)
   const {
@@ -118,8 +87,12 @@ function NewGuestRole({ guest, reloadGuestInfo }: NewGuestRoleProps) {
   const navigate = useNavigate()
   const onSubmit = handleSubmit(async () => {
     await postRole(getValues(), pid)
-    navigate(`/sponsor/guest/${pid}`)
+    if (submitState == SubmitState.SubmitSuccess) {
+      navigate(`/sponsor/guest/${pid}`)
+    }
   const { ous } = useOus()
@@ -130,6 +103,8 @@ function NewGuestRole({ guest, reloadGuestInfo }: NewGuestRoleProps) {
   const today = new Date()
   const [endDate, setEndDate] = useState<Date | null>(null)
   const [maxDate, setMaxDate] = useState(today)
+  const [submitErrorReport, setSubmitErrorReport] =
+    useState<ServerErrorReportData>()
   const todayPlusMaxDays = (roleTypeId?: number) => {
     if (roleTypeId) {
@@ -184,6 +159,68 @@ function NewGuestRole({ guest, reloadGuestInfo }: NewGuestRoleProps) {
+  const postRole = async (formData: AddRoleFormData, pid: string) => {
+    const payload: AddRolePayload = {
+      orgunit: formData.orgunit,
+      person: pid,
+      type: formData.type,
+      end_date: format(formData.end_date as Date, 'yyyy-MM-dd'),
+    }
+    if (formData.start_date) {
+      payload.start_date = format(formData.start_date as Date, 'yyyy-MM-dd')
+    }
+    if (formData.contact_person_unit) {
+      payload.contact_person_unit = formData.contact_person_unit
+    }
+    if (formData.comments) {
+      payload.comments = formData.comments
+    }
+    if (availableInSearchEnabled && formData.available_in_search) {
+      payload.available_in_search = formData.available_in_search
+    }
+    fetch('/api/ui/v1/role', submitJsonOpts('POST', payload))
+      .then((res) => {
+        if (!res.ok) {
+          handleSubmitErrorResponse(res)
+        } else {
+          setSubmitState(SubmitState.SubmitSuccess)
+        }
+      })
+  }
+  function handleSubmitErrorResponse(res: Response) {
+    // Try to extract data from body of error message
+    res
+      .text()
+      .then((text) => {
+        setSubmitState(SubmitState.SubmitFailure)
+        // Some error responses have a code that is used to look up a translated text.
+        // Attempt to parse the message text and extract the code
+        const jsonResponse = JSON.parse(text)
+        const errorText =
+          jsonResponse.code === undefined
+            ? text
+            : t(`error.codes.${jsonResponse.code}`)
+        setSubmitErrorReport({
+          errorHeading: t('error.invitationCreationFailedHeader'),
+          statusCode: res.status,
+          statusText: res.statusText,
+          errorBodyText: errorText,
+        })
+      })
+      .catch(() => {
+        // Extracting data from body failed, just show an error message with no body text
+        setSubmitErrorReport({
+          errorHeading: t('error.invitationCreationFailedHeader'),
+          statusCode: res.status,
+          statusText: res.statusText,
+          errorBodyText: undefined,
+        })
+        setSubmitState(SubmitState.SubmitFailure)
+      })
+  }
   const hasRoleTypeError =
     errors && errors.type && errors.type.type === 'required'
   const hasOuChoiceError =
@@ -373,6 +410,15 @@ function NewGuestRole({ guest, reloadGuestInfo }: NewGuestRoleProps) {
+          {submitState === SubmitState.SubmitFailure &&
+            submitErrorReport !== undefined && (
+              <ServerErrorReport
+                errorHeading={submitErrorReport?.errorHeading}
+                statusCode={submitErrorReport?.statusCode}
+                statusText={submitErrorReport?.statusText}
+                errorBodyText={submitErrorReport?.errorBodyText}
+              />
+            )}