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package lecture6_interface;
public class UsePokemon {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Pokemon mew = new Pokemon("Mew", 6, new RandomAttack());
Pokemon snorLax = new Pokemon("SnorLax", 12, new SleepAttack());
IPokemon attacker = snorLax;
IPokemon defender = new FirePokemon("CharMander", 12);
package lecture7_collections;
import static java.util.Comparator.nullsLast;
import java.util.Comparator;
* This Comparator Compares author first, and if author is equal title is used to break ties.
* null elements are always after Book objects
* @author Martin Vatshelle
public class AuthorThenTitle implements Comparator<Book>{
public int compare(Book o1, Book o2) {
//Create a Comparator that does not handle null
//the following two lines are equivalent
//Comparator<Book> authorComp = new CompareAuthor();
Comparator<Book> authorComp = Comparator.comparing((b)->;
//Create a second Comparator for comparing on title
//the following two lines are equivalent
//Comparator<Book> titleComp = new CompareTitle();
Comparator<Book> titleComp = Comparator.comparing((b)->b.title);
//the method thenComparing combines two Comparators
//if the title is the same, then author is compared instead
Comparator<Book> compNoNull = authorComp.thenComparing(titleComp);
//the method nullsLast creates a Comparator that handles null first
//if either object is null, the null is always last
//if no objects is null, the compNoNull is used
Comparator<Book> comp = nullsLast(compNoNull);
return, o2);
package lecture7_collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import static java.util.Comparator.comparing;
import static java.util.Comparator.nullsLast;
public class Book implements Comparable<Book>{
String title;
String author;
public Book(String title, String author){
this.title = title; = author;
public String toString() {
return title+" by "+author;
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if(this == obj) {
return true;
if(obj instanceof Book) {
Book toCompare = (Book)obj;
if( && this.title.equals(toCompare.title)) {
return true;
return false;
public int compareTo(Book o) {
package lecture7_collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
* This comparator compares the field author in the Book class
* This Comparator does not handle null objects.
* @author Martin Vatshelle
public class CompareAuthor implements Comparator<Book> {
public int compare(Book o1, Book o2) {
package lecture7_collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
* This Comparator compares the title of books
* Null elements are always after Book Objects
* @author Martin Vatshelle
public class CompareTitle implements Comparator<Book>{
public int compare(Book o1, Book o2) {
if(o1==null && o2==null) {
return 0;
if(o1==null) {
return 1;
if(o2==null) {
return -1;
return o1.title.compareTo(o2.title);
package lecture7_collections;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
public class Library {
List<Book> books;
public Library() {
books = new LinkedList<Book>();
void add(Book book) {
boolean hasBook(Book book) {
return books.contains(book);
public static void main(String[] args) {
Library myBooks = new Library();
Book myBook = new Book("Objects","Martin");
Book myFavorite = new Book("INF101", "Sondre");
Book wanted = new Book("Objects","Martin");
myBooks.add(new Book("Dyr", "Tommy"));
myBooks.add(new Book("Klima", "Susanne"));
myBooks.add(new Book("Biler", "Ida"));
myBooks.add(new Book("INF102", "Martin"));
//sorting using Comparable
if(!myBooks.books.contains(null)) {
Collections.sort(myBooks.books); //will not work if the list contains null
else {
//sorting using Comparator
Collections.sort(myBooks.books, new CompareTitle());
//sorting using Comparator breaking ties
Collections.sort(myBooks.books, new AuthorThenTitle());
package lecture7_collections;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Random;
public class UseCollections {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Collection<Integer> tall = getCollection(10);
Integer smallest = Collections.min(tall);
ArrayList<Integer> listOfNumbers = new ArrayList<>(tall);
int count = Collections.frequency(tall, smallest);
System.out.println(smallest+" occur "+count+" times.");
private static Collection<Integer> getCollection(int numElem) {
ArrayList<Integer> list = new ArrayList<>();
Random rand = new Random();
for(int i=0; i<numElem; i++) {
return list;
package lecture8_encapsulation;
public class TrafficLight {
private boolean red;
private boolean yellow;
private boolean green;
public TrafficLight() {
public TrafficLight(boolean red, boolean yellow, boolean green) {
if(!isValid(red, yellow, green)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can not construct traffic light with illegal state Red: "+red+" Yellow: "+yellow+" Green: "+green);
} = red;
this.yellow = yellow; = green;
static boolean isValid(boolean red, boolean yellow, boolean green) {
if(green && (red || yellow)) {
return false;
if(!red && !yellow && !green) {
return false;
return true;
public boolean isRed() {
return red;
public boolean isYellow() {
return yellow;
public boolean isGreen() {
return green;
public void next() {
if(red) {
if(!yellow) { //case 1
yellow = true;
else { //case 2
}else {
if(green) { //case 3
green = false;
}else { //case 4
package lecture8_encapsulation;
import java.awt.BasicStroke;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.awt.Graphics2D;
import java.awt.Toolkit;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.JPanel;
public class TrafficLightVisualizer extends JPanel{
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
TrafficLight state = new TrafficLight();
public TrafficLightVisualizer() {
protected void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D) g;
g2.setStroke(new BasicStroke(10));
void drawRed(Graphics g) {
drawCircleByCenter(g, getLightSize()*1/2, state.isRed());
void drawYellow(Graphics g) {
drawCircleByCenter(g, getLightSize()*3/2, state.isYellow());
void drawGreen(Graphics g) {
drawCircleByCenter(g, getLightSize()*5/2, state.isGreen());
int getlightRadius() {
return getLightSize()/2-5;
int getLightSize() {
return Math.min(getWidth(),getHeight()/3);
void drawCircleByCenter(Graphics g, int y,boolean fill){
int radius = getlightRadius();
int x = getWidth()/2;
if(fill) {
g.fillOval(x-radius, y-radius, 2*radius, 2*radius);
}else {
g.drawOval(x-radius, y-radius, 2*radius, 2*radius);
/** Run the terminal GUI in a window frame.
* @throws InterruptedException */
public void view() {
JFrame frame = new JFrame("TrafficLight");
//Dimension screenSize = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize();
public void view(TrafficLight light) {
this.state = light;
void run() {
for(int i=0; i<100; i++) {;
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {
TrafficLightVisualizer light = new TrafficLightVisualizer();
package lecture8_encapsulation;
public class UseTrafficLight {
public static void main(String[] args) {
TrafficLight light = new TrafficLight();
TrafficLightVisualizer viewer = new TrafficLightVisualizer();;
// = true; //not allowed with private fields
try {
light = new TrafficLight(true,true,true);
}catch(IllegalArgumentException e){
System.out.println("You created an illegal traffic light, default value will be used.");
light = new TrafficLight();
// try {
// } catch (InterruptedException e) {
// e.printStackTrace();
// }
package lecture_18_repetition;
public class AirLock implements IAirLock{
private Door inner;
private Door outer;
public AirLock() {
inner = new Door();
outer = new Door();
Door getInner() {
return inner;
public void openInner() {
public void openOuter() {
private void openDoor(Door door) {
if(!inner.isOpen() && !outer.isOpen());
System.out.println("Can not open both at the same time");
public void closeInner() {
public void closeOuter() {
public boolean innerIsOpen() {
return inner.isOpen();
public boolean outerIsOpen() {
return outer.isOpen();
public void lockInner() {
public void unLockInner() {
public void lockOuter() {
public void unLockOuter() {
public static void main(String[] args) {
AirLock doors = new AirLock();
package lecture_18_repetition;
public class Door {
private boolean isOpen;
private boolean isLocked;
public void open() {
isOpen = true;
public boolean isOpen() {
return isOpen;
public void close() {
public void lock() {
public void unLock() {
isLocked = false;
package lecture_18_repetition;
* An AirLock is a set of two doors where only one door be open at the time.
* We call the two doors inner and outer door.
* In addition each door has a lock, a locked door can not be opened before it is unlocked.
* @author Martin Vatshelle
public interface IAirLock {
/** Opens the inner door if it is unlocked and it is allowed to open. */
public void openInner();
/** Opens the outer door if it is unlocked and it is allowed to open. */
public void openOuter();
/** Closes inner door if not already closed. */
public void closeInner();
/** Closes outer door if not already closed */
public void closeOuter();
/** @return true if innerDoor is open, false otherwise */
public boolean innerIsOpen();
/** @return true if outerDoor is open, false otherwise */
public boolean outerIsOpen();
/** locks the inner door if it is closed */
public void lockInner();
/** unlocks the inner door if it is locked */
public void unLockInner();
/** locks the outer door if it is closed */
public void lockOuter();
/** unlocks the outer door if it is locked */
public void unLockOuter();
package lecture_19_inheritance;
* Class for storing various types of clothing;
* @author mva021
* This type of Object mainly stores information with brand, size and type being examples.
* Such variables are called field variables or instance variables.
* The collection of field variables is called the state of the Object
* These variables all should have get methods, and could have set methods if you want to be able to change the property.
* Brand typically don't change, unless you buy cheap clothing and replace the labels with proper brands in order to earn some extra bucks.
* The important part of a State is those field variables that can change.
* Which field variables can change in an object of this class?
public class Clothing {
private String brand;
private int size;
private boolean isDirty;
private String type;
* Constructor is called once for each time you want to make a new clothing item.
* Ideally all properties are set to reasonable default values in the constructor.
* In lecture we did not get the time to set all properties properly.
* @param brand
* @param size
* @param type
public Clothing(String brand, int size, String type) {
this.brand = brand;
this.size = size;
//should probably check that input is a valid type.
//in a bigger application we should probably make type an Object on its own
//so we could have a better control that it was a proper clothingType rather than any string
this.type = type;
this.isDirty = false; //assume new clothing are clean?
public String getType() {
return this.type;
public String getBrand() {
return brand;
public int getSize() {
return this.size;
* Method called by a "Person" object when jumpingInMuddyPuddle() method is activated
* Changes the state of this object, i.e. the field variable isDirty
public void makeDirty(){
isDirty = true;
* Method called by e.g. the "WashingMachine" object or "Maid" object
* Changes the state of this object, i.e. the field variable isDirty
public void makeClean(){
isDirty = false;
* Method used by the drawers, shelves e.g. to check if the item can be placed
* @return
public boolean isDirty() {
return isDirty;
* Method called by the "WashingMachine" object
* This is a method that changes the state of the Object by changing the field variable size.
public void shrink() {
size = size-1;
package lecture_19_inheritance;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
public class Drawer implements IStorage{
int height;
int width;
int depth;
Collection<Clothing> clothes;
public Drawer(int width, int depth, int height) {
clothes = new ArrayList<Clothing>();
public int getHeight(){
return this.height;
public int getWidth() {
return width;
public int getDepth() {
return depth;
public boolean add(Clothing clothing) {
if(canAdd(clothing)) {
return true;
}else {
return false;
* Drawers should only contain clean clothing, no shoes allowed in drawers.
public boolean canAdd(Clothing item) {
return false;
return false;
return true;
public boolean remove(Clothing item) {
return true;
else {
return false;
package lecture_19_inheritance;
* IStorage space represents a place to put various clothing items.
* Shelf, Drawer and Bar was discussed in lecture.
* LaundryBin, PileOnFloor and Hook could be other classes to be added later
* @author mva021
public interface IStorage {
* Gets the height of the storage space, can be used to check if an item fits inside.
* @return
public int getHeight();
* Gets the width of the storage space, can be used to check if an item fits inside.
* @return
public int getWidth();
* Gets the depth of the storage space, can be used to check if an item fits inside.
* @return
public int getDepth();
* Places an Clothing object in this storage space
* @param clothing - The item to place in the Wardrobe
* @return true if the clothing can be added, false otherwise
public boolean add(Clothing clothing);
* Checks if a clothing fulfills the requirements for being placed.
* Dirty clothing should not end up in the shelves, but may end up in a LaundryBin
* Socks should not end up in shelves (unless they are in a Box which is placed in a Shelf)
* @param item an Clothing item
* @return true if the clothing can be added, false otherwise
public boolean canAdd(Clothing item) ;
* Tries to remove an item of clothing from the Wardrobe.
* @param item The clothing item to remove
* @return true if the item was found and removed, false otherwise.
public boolean remove(Clothing item) ;
package lecture_19_inheritance;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
public class Shelf implements IStorage{
int height;
int width;
int depth;
Collection<Clothing> clothes;
public Shelf(int width, int depth, int height) {
this.height = height;
this.width = width;
this.depth = depth;
clothes = new ArrayList<Clothing>();
public int getHeight(){
return this.height;
public int getWidth() {
return width;
public int getDepth() {
return depth;
public boolean add(Clothing clothing) {
if(canAdd(clothing)) {
return true;
}else {
return false;
* Shelves should only contain clean clothing.
* Socks should not be placed on shelves
public boolean canAdd(Clothing item) {
return false;
return false;
return true;
public boolean remove(Clothing item) {
return true;
else {
return false;
public static void main(String[] args) {
Shelf shelf = new Shelf(60,40,30);
if(shelf.add(new Clothing("Levis", 20,"Jeans")))
System.out.println("La den p� en hylle!");
System.out.println("Kunne ikke legge den p� hyllen");
package lecture_19_inheritance;
import java.util.AbstractList;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
public class SortedListAbstract extends AbstractList<Integer>{
ArrayList<Integer> list;
public SortedListAbstract() {
list = new ArrayList<>();
public Integer get(int index) {
return list.get(index);
public int size() {
return list.size();
public Integer set(int index, Integer element) {
int num = list.set(index, element);
return num;
public void add(int index, Integer element) {
list.add(index, element);
public boolean remove(Object o) {
return list.remove(o);
package lecture_19_inheritance;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ListIterator;
public class SortedListComposition{
ArrayList<Integer> list;
public SortedListComposition() {
list = new ArrayList<Integer>();
public Integer get(int index) {
return list.get(index);
public boolean add(Integer e) {
return true;
//This code is already done
public int size() {
return list.size();
public boolean isEmpty() {
return list.isEmpty();
public boolean contains(Object o) {
return list.contains(o);
public Iterator<Integer> iterator() {
return list.iterator();
public Object[] toArray() {
return list.toArray();
public <T> T[] toArray(T[] a) {
return list.toArray(a);
public boolean remove(Object o) {
return list.remove(o);
public boolean containsAll(Collection<?> c) {
return list.containsAll(c);
public boolean addAll(Collection<? extends Integer> c) {
return true;
public boolean addAll(int index, Collection<? extends Integer> c) {
return true;
public boolean removeAll(Collection<?> c) {
return list.removeAll(c);
public boolean retainAll(Collection<?> c) {
return list.retainAll(c);
public void clear() {
public Integer set(int index, Integer element) {
return list.set(index, element);
public void add(int index, Integer element) {
public Integer remove(int index) {
return list.remove(index);
public int indexOf(Object o) {
return list.indexOf(o);
public int lastIndexOf(Object o) {
return list.lastIndexOf(o);
public ListIterator<Integer> listIterator() {
return list.listIterator();
public ListIterator<Integer> listIterator(int index) {
return list.listIterator(index);
public List<Integer> subList(int fromIndex, int toIndex) {
return subList(fromIndex, toIndex);
public String toString() {
return list.toString();
package lecture_19_inheritance;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Random;
public class SortedListInheritance extends ArrayList<Integer>{
public boolean add(Integer e) {
return true;