<template> <li :is="tag" :class="body.type_"><!-- --><span :is="item.tag || 'span'" v-for="(item, index) in assemble_text" :class="item.type" :key="index" v-bind="item.props"><!-- -->{{item.html}}<!-- --><router-link v-if="item.type == 'article_ref'" :to="item.ref" @click.native="article_link_click(item)"><!-- -->{{item.link_text}}{{item.definition_order ? ` (${item.definition_order})` : ''}}<!-- --></router-link><!-- --><span class="numerator" v-if="item.type == 'fraction'">{{item.num}}</span><!-- -->{{item.type == 'fraction' ? '⁄' : ''}}<!-- --><span class="denominator" v-if="item.type == 'fraction'">{{item.denom}}</span><!-- --></span></li> </template> <script> import entities from '../utils/entities.js' import helpers from '../utils/helpers.js' function replace_grammar_id(item, lang) { let content = item.content if (content.includes('$') && (item.items[0].id)){ let replacement_item = entities[lang][item.items[0].id]['expansion'] content = content.replace('$', replacement_item)} return content } export default { name: 'DefElement', props: { body: Object, tag: { type: String, default: 'li' }, dictionary: String }, data: function() { return { path: this.$route.fullPath } }, computed: { unparsed: function(){ let lang = this.dictionary let path = this.path return this.body.items.map( function(item){ if (item.type_ == 'usage') return {type: item.type_, html: item.text, tag: 'mark'} else if (item.type_ == 'article_ref') return { type: item.type_, html: '', link_text: item.word_form || item.lemmas[0].lemma, ref: '/' + lang + '/' + item.article_id + '/' + encodeURIComponent(item.word_form || item.lemmas[0].lemma) + (item.definition_id ? '#def' + item.definition_id : ''), article_id: item.article_id, definition_id: item.definition_id, source: path } else if (item.type_ == 'pronunciation') return {type: item.type_, html: item.string} else if (item.type_ == 'pronunciation_guide') return {type: item.type_, body: item, html: '', tag: 'DefElement', props: {body: item, tag: 'i', dictionary: lang}} else if (item.type_ == 'superscript') return {type: item.type_, html: item.text, tag: 'sup'} else if (item.type_ == 'subscript') return {type: item.type_, html: item.text, 'tag': 'sub'} else if (item.type_ == 'quote_inset') return {type: item.type_, body: item, html: '', tag: 'DefElement', props: {body: item, tag: 'i', dictionary: lang}} else if (item.type_ == 'fraction') return helpers.fraction(item.numerator, item.denominator) else if (item.id) return {type: item.type_, html: (entities[lang][item.id] || {})['expansion'] || item.id} else return {type: item.type_ || 'plain', html: item} } ) }, assemble_text: function(){ var old_parts = this.body.content.split(/(\$)/) var text_items = this.unparsed.slice(0).reverse() var new_parts = [] old_parts.forEach(function(item){ if(item == '$') { new_parts.push(text_items.pop()) } else if (item.length) { new_parts.push({type: 'plain', html: item}) } }) return new_parts } }, methods: { article_link_click: function(item) { this.$emit('article-click', item) } } } </script> <!-- Add "scoped" attribute to limit CSS to this component only --> <style scoped> .usage { font-style: italic; } .pronunciation_guide { font-style: italic; font-size: smaller; } .numerator{ vertical-align: super; padding-right: 2px; font-size: smaller; } .denominator { vertical-align: sub; padding-left: 2px; font-size: smaller; } mark { background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0); color: inherit; } i { font-style: normal; } .homograph { vertical-align: sub; } q:before { content: none; } q:after { content: none; } </style>