diff --git a/src/components/Autocomplete.vue b/src/components/Autocomplete.vue
index 781f2fa2d48e14921a316a807f5abc69cbb59104..d80298048f3e1647de4b52361f65f8ed7f0748b0 100644
--- a/src/components/Autocomplete.vue
+++ b/src/components/Autocomplete.vue
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
       <span class="search-hit">
-      ({{data.item.lang? data.item.lang[1] ? "bm, nn" : {"bob": "bm", "nob": "nn"}[data.item.lang[0]] : data.item.mode}})
+      ({{data.item.lang? data.item.lang[1] ? "bm, nn" : {"bob": "bm", "nob": "nn"}[data.item.lang[0]] : ["fulltekst","fritekst","avansert søk"][data.item.mode]}})
       <template slot="no-data">
@@ -79,42 +79,37 @@
         // Keep full text search in the list while requesting suggestions
         if (this.items[0]) {
           if (this.items[0].time < time) {
-            this.items.splice(0,1, {q: q, label: q, time: time, mode: 'fritekst'})
+            if (/_|\*|\|/.test(q)) {
+              this.items.splice(0,1, {q: q, label: q, time: time, mode: 2})
+            } else {
+              this.items.splice(0,1, {q: q+"*", label: q, time: time, mode: 1})
+            }
         else {
-          this.items.push({q: q, label: q, time: time})
+          this.items.splice(0,1, {q: q+"*", label: q, time: time, mode: 1})
         let self = this
         self.api.get('suggest?', {params: {q: q, dict: self.$parent.lang, n: 80, scope: 'nf'}})
             .then(async (response) => {
                         if (self.$refs.autocomplete.searchInput == q & self.suggesting) {
-                          let word_hits = response.data.a.n.map(item => ({q: q, match: item[0], label: item[0], time: time, lang: item[1]}))
-                          let text_hits = response.data.a.f.map(item => ({q: q, match: item[0], label: item[0], time: time, mode: 0}))
+                          let word_matches = response.data.a.n.map(item => ({q: q, match: item[0], label: item[0], time: time, lang: item[1]}))
+                          let text_matches = response.data.a.f.map(item => ({q: q, match: item[0], label: item[0], time: time, mode: 0}))
-                          let hits = []
-                          if( q.charAt(q.length-1) === '!') hits = text_hits.concat(word_hits)
-                          else hits = word_hits.concat(text_hits)
+                          let suggestions = []
+                          if( q.charAt(q.length-1) === '!') suggestions = text_matches.concat(word_matches)
+                          else suggestions = word_matches.concat(text_matches)
                           if (/_|\*|\|/.test(q)) {
-                            hits.push({q: q, label: q + ' ', time: time, mode: "mønster"})
+                            suggestions.unshift({q: q, label: q, time: time, mode: 2})
+                          } else {
+                            suggestions.push({q: q+"*", label: q + ' ', time: time, mode: 1})
-                          response.data.a.n.forEach((item) => {
-                            let match = item[0]
-                            let hit = {q: q, match: match, label: match, time: time, lang: item[1]}
-                            hits.push(hit)
-                          });
-                          response.data.a.f.forEach((item) => {
-                            let match = item[0]
-                            let hit = {q: q, match: match, label: match, time: time, mode: "fulltekst"}
-                            hits.push(hit)
-                          });
                           // whitespace necessary because duplicates aren't allowed in the dropdown
-                          hits.push({q: q, label: q + ' ', time: time, mode: "fritekst"})
-                          self.items = hits
+                          self.items = suggestions
                       self.loading = false
diff --git a/src/components/DictionaryView.vue b/src/components/DictionaryView.vue
index 5dbf2da79e204d30b33bd9b7af9cf0c31c12de2a..901ea4fe9909c6afc5d4a6817f3933271d6fb97a 100644
--- a/src/components/DictionaryView.vue
+++ b/src/components/DictionaryView.vue
@@ -87,6 +87,7 @@ const oda_api = setup({
 const api_endpoint = process.env.VUE_APP_API_PREFIX + '/api/dict'
 const oda_dev = 'https://oda.uib.no/opal/dev'
@@ -151,16 +152,14 @@ function navigate_to_search(self, query) {
 function navigate_to_word(self, word) {
-  let  event = self.event ? self.event : {q: word, 
-                                          match: word}
+  let  query = self.event ? self.event : {q: word} 
   // Get article IDs
-  oda_api.get('articles?', {params: {lord: event.match, dict: self.lang}}).then((response) => {
-            event.article_ids = response.data
+  oda_api.get('articles?', {params: {lord: query.match || query.q, dict: self.lang}}).then((response) => {
+            let article_ids = response.data
             let unwrapped = []
-            for (const d in event.article_ids) {
-                event.article_ids[d].forEach(i => unwrapped.push({
+            for (const d in article_ids) {
+                article_ids[d].forEach(i => unwrapped.push({
                 dictionary: d,
                 id: i
@@ -174,14 +173,17 @@ function navigate_to_word(self, word) {
             .then((response) => {
               self.search_results = response.map((element, index) => {
                 return Object.assign(element.data, {
-                  match: event.match,
                   dictionary: unwrapped[index].dictionary
               self.article = null
               if (! self.search_results.length) {
-                dicts[self.lang]
-                self.error = `Ordet «${event.match}» finnes ikke i ${dicts}`
+                if (query.match) {
+                  self.error = `Ordet «${query.match}» finnes ikke i ${dicts[self.lang]}`
+                } else {
+                  self.error =  `Søk på «${query.q}» gir ingen treff i ${dicts[self.lang]}. Søk med * inne i ordet dersom du er usikker på skrivemåten. Bruk knappen «begge ordbøkene» om du har søkt i feil ordbok.`
+                }
               else {
                 self.error = null
@@ -242,35 +244,22 @@ export default {
   methods: {
     select_result: function (event) {
         this.event = event
-        if (event.match) {
-            let route = `/${this.lang}/w/${event.match}`
-            this.$router.push(route)
-            navigate_to_word(this)
-        } else {
-          this.waiting_for_articles = true
-          this.article = null
-          event.match = '<fritekstsøk>'
-          let route = `/${this.lang}/search/${event.q}`
-          this.$router.push(route)
-          navigate_to_search(this, event.q)
-        }
+        let route = `/${this.lang}/search/${event.match || event.q}`
+        this.$router.push(route)
+        navigate_to_word(this)
         // Tracking
+        let props = {query: event.q}
+        if (event.match) props.match = event.match
         this.$plausible.trackEvent(event.update_lang ? "language" : 'dropdown selection', {
-          props: {
-            query: event.q,
-            match: event.match
-          }
+          props: props
       update_lang_form: function (lang) {
         this.lang = lang
-        if(this.$route.name == 'word') {
-            navigate_to_word(this, this.$route.params.word)
-        }
-        else if (this.$route.name == 'search') {
-            navigate_to_search(this, this.$route.params.query)
-        }
+        let route = `/${this.lang}/search/${this.$route.params.query}`
+        this.$router.push(route)
+        navigate_to_word(this, this.$route.params.query)
     article_link_click: function(item) {
       if (this.article && this.article.article_id == item.article_id){