diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 22af425245e20cbf3946e233400a9493a4ec3e71..fcc62fd744356358f9cae0efd92a083747999bfb 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -145,7 +145,23 @@ correct protection flags on the session cookie.*
 #### Notes – task 0
-Here you write your notes about how this task was performed.
+Task A:
+Used SCrypt on the password string before creating a new 
+Password instance as a way to have a more secure 
+password authentication.
+Task B:
+I used the older NIST guide-lines where it was common
+to demand at least a lowercase- and uppercase character
+and a number, at least 8 character and at most 64 character.
+The password is tested for this in InChat.Register.
+Task C:
+Handler:145 -> set cookie to:
+    cookie.setHttpOnly(true);
+    cookie.setSecure(true);
 ### Task 1 – SQL injection (4 points)
@@ -156,7 +172,7 @@ it wide open to injection attacks.
 #### Notes – task 1
-Here you write your notes about how this task was performed.
+I Used prepared statements to protect the sql code from sql-injections.
 ### Task 2 – Cross-site scripting (4 points)
@@ -171,7 +187,8 @@ take a look at the [OWASP XSS prevention cheat sheet](https://cheatsheetseries.o
 #### Notes – task 2
-Here you write your notes about how this task was performed.
+I encoded every variable before putting it into the html script in Handler
+as safety measures. This prevents XSS attacks by untrusted input-variables.
 ### Task 3 – Cross-site request forgery (1 point)
@@ -243,6 +260,13 @@ can ignore issues related HTTPS.
 #### Notes – task ω
-Here you write your notes about how this task was performed.
+Issue 1:
+No implementation for asserting that password and password_repeat
+are the same when registering a new user.
+Issue 2:
+It's possible to create a new user though it already exists.
+Both issues are resolved in InChat.register.
diff --git a/src/main/java/inf226/inchat/Account.java b/src/main/java/inf226/inchat/Account.java
index c3279aed8bd52397ae8a3a87bbd8789ac98d2bea..a2de7f9210f74708bfc041db3f1904f358ae118a 100644
--- a/src/main/java/inf226/inchat/Account.java
+++ b/src/main/java/inf226/inchat/Account.java
@@ -61,8 +61,12 @@ public final class Account {
      * @return true if password matches.
     public boolean checkPassword(String password) {
-        // TODO: This does not seem right.
-        return true;
+        if (SCryptUtil.check(password,hashedPassword.toString())) {
+            return true;
+        }
+        System.out.println("Wrong password");
+        return false;
diff --git a/src/main/java/inf226/inchat/AccountStorage.java b/src/main/java/inf226/inchat/AccountStorage.java
index 6b20d475a7b6175ba60d44b1ac28aa84b1a3f406..50721dbf265cb92ea6386f461bb5f2f9658872d9 100644
--- a/src/main/java/inf226/inchat/AccountStorage.java
+++ b/src/main/java/inf226/inchat/AccountStorage.java
@@ -1,9 +1,6 @@
 package inf226.inchat;
-import java.sql.Connection;
-import java.sql.ResultSet;
-import java.sql.SQLException;
-import java.sql.Statement;
+import java.sql.*;
 import java.time.Instant;
 import java.util.UUID;
@@ -39,7 +36,7 @@ public final class AccountStorage
         this.channelStore = channelStore;
-                .executeUpdate("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS Account (id TEXT PRIMARY KEY, version TEXT, user TEXT, FOREIGN KEY(user) REFERENCES User(id) ON DELETE CASCADE)");
+                .executeUpdate("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS Account (id TEXT PRIMARY KEY, version TEXT, user TEXT, password TEXT ,FOREIGN KEY(user) REFERENCES User(id) ON DELETE CASCADE)");
                 .executeUpdate("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS AccountChannel (account TEXT, channel TEXT, alias TEXT, ordinal INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY(account,channel), FOREIGN KEY(account) REFERENCES Account(id) ON DELETE CASCADE, FOREIGN KEY(channel) REFERENCES Channel(id) ON DELETE CASCADE)");
@@ -49,10 +46,13 @@ public final class AccountStorage
       throws SQLException {
         final Stored<Account> stored = new Stored<Account>(account);
-        String sql =  "INSERT INTO Account VALUES('" + stored.identity + "','"
-                                                  + stored.version  + "','"
-                                                  + account.user.identity  + "')";
-        connection.createStatement().executeUpdate(sql);
+        final String sql =  "INSERT INTO Account VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?)";
+        PreparedStatement prepStmt = connection.prepareStatement(sql);
+        prepStmt.setObject(1, stored.identity);
+        prepStmt.setObject(2, stored.version);
+        prepStmt.setObject(3, account.user.identity);
+        prepStmt.setString(4, account.hashedPassword.toString());
+        prepStmt.executeUpdate();
         // Write the list of channels
         final Maybe.Builder<SQLException> exception = Maybe.builder();
@@ -61,11 +61,16 @@ public final class AccountStorage
             String alias = element.first;
             Stored<Channel> channel = element.second;
             final String msql
-              = "INSERT INTO AccountChannel VALUES('" + stored.identity + "','"
-                                                      + channel.identity + "','"
-                                                      + alias + "','"
-                                                      + ordinal.get().toString() + "')";
-            try { connection.createStatement().executeUpdate(msql); }
+              = "INSERT INTO AccountChannel VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?)";
+            try {
+                PreparedStatement prepStmt2 = connection.prepareStatement(msql);
+                prepStmt2.setObject(1, stored.identity);
+                prepStmt2.setObject(2, channel.identity);
+                prepStmt2.setObject(3, alias);
+                prepStmt2.setString(4, ordinal.get().toString());
+                prepStmt2.executeUpdate();
+            }
             catch (SQLException e) { exception.accept(e) ; }
             ordinal.accept(ordinal.get() + 1);
@@ -84,27 +89,35 @@ public final class AccountStorage
     final Stored<Account> updated = current.newVersion(new_account);
     if(current.version.equals(account.version)) {
         String sql = "UPDATE Account SET" +
-            " (version,user) =('" 
-                            + updated.version  + "','"
-                            + new_account.user.identity
-                            + "') WHERE id='"+ updated.identity + "'";
+            " (version,user) =(?, ?) WHERE id= ?";
+        PreparedStatement prepStmt = connection.prepareStatement(sql);
+        prepStmt.setObject(1, updated.version);
+        prepStmt.setObject(2, new_account.user.identity);
+        prepStmt.setObject(3, updated.identity);
+        prepStmt.executeUpdate();
         // Rewrite the list of channels
-        connection.createStatement().executeUpdate("DELETE FROM AccountChannel WHERE account='" + account.identity + "'");
+        String sql2 = "DELETE FROM AccountChannel WHERE account=?";
+        PreparedStatement prepStmt2 = connection.prepareStatement(sql2);
+        prepStmt2.setObject(1, account.identity);
+        prepStmt2.executeUpdate();
         final Maybe.Builder<SQLException> exception = Maybe.builder();
         final Mutable<Integer> ordinal = new Mutable<Integer>(0);
         new_account.channels.forEach(element -> {
             String alias = element.first;
             Stored<Channel> channel = element.second;
-            final String msql
-                = "INSERT INTO AccountChannel VALUES('" + account.identity + "','"
-                                                        + channel.identity + "','"
-                                                        + alias + "','"
-                                                        + ordinal.get().toString() + "')";
-            try { connection.createStatement().executeUpdate(msql); }
+            final String msql = "INSERT INTO AccountChannel VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?)";
+            try (PreparedStatement ps3 = connection.prepareStatement(msql)) {
+                ps3.setObject(1, account.identity);
+                ps3.setObject(2, channel.identity);
+                ps3.setString(3, alias);
+                ps3.setString(4, ordinal.get().toString());
+                ps3.executeUpdate();
+            }
             catch (SQLException e) { exception.accept(e) ; }
             ordinal.accept(ordinal.get() + 1);
@@ -123,8 +136,10 @@ public final class AccountStorage
               SQLException {
         final Stored<Account> current = get(account.identity);
         if(current.version.equals(account.version)) {
-        String sql =  "DELETE FROM Account WHERE id ='" + account.identity + "'";
-        connection.createStatement().executeUpdate(sql);
+            String sql =  "DELETE FROM Account WHERE id=?";
+            PreparedStatement ps = connection.prepareStatement(sql);
+            ps.setObject(1, account.identity);
+            ps.executeUpdate();
         } else {
         throw new UpdatedException(current);
@@ -134,7 +149,7 @@ public final class AccountStorage
       throws DeletedException,
              SQLException {
-        final String accountsql = "SELECT version,user FROM Account WHERE id = '" + id.toString() + "'";
+        final String accountsql = "SELECT version,user,password FROM Account WHERE id = '" + id.toString() + "'";
         final String channelsql = "SELECT channel,alias,ordinal FROM AccountChannel WHERE account = '" + id.toString() + "' ORDER BY ordinal DESC";
         final Statement accountStatement = connection.createStatement();
@@ -171,12 +186,13 @@ public final class AccountStorage
     public Stored<Account> lookup(String username)
       throws DeletedException,
              SQLException {
-        final String sql = "SELECT Account.id from Account INNER JOIN User ON user=User.id where User.name='" + username + "'";
-        System.err.println(sql);
-        final Statement statement = connection.createStatement();
-        final ResultSet rs = statement.executeQuery(sql);
+        final String sql = "SELECT Account.id from Account INNER JOIN User ON user=User.id where User.name=?";
+        PreparedStatement prepStmt = connection.prepareStatement(sql);
+        prepStmt.setObject(1, username);
+        //System.err.println(sql);
+        final ResultSet rs = prepStmt.executeQuery();
         if(rs.next()) {
             final UUID identity = 
@@ -184,6 +200,18 @@ public final class AccountStorage
         throw new DeletedException();
+    /**
+     * Gets the password based on the username
+     */
+    public String getPassword(String username) throws SQLException {
+        final String sql = "SELECT Account.password FROM Account INNER JOIN User on user=User.id WHERE User.name=?";
+        PreparedStatement prepStmt = connection.prepareStatement(sql);
+        prepStmt.setString(1, username);
+        final ResultSet result = prepStmt.executeQuery();
+        return result.getString("password");
+    }
diff --git a/src/main/java/inf226/inchat/ChannelStorage.java b/src/main/java/inf226/inchat/ChannelStorage.java
index 4b6c1970496442cd3355e06dd813141e163cd7d8..fc0d4d1b9339a75772d1173d1992fe4cf0655e2e 100644
--- a/src/main/java/inf226/inchat/ChannelStorage.java
+++ b/src/main/java/inf226/inchat/ChannelStorage.java
@@ -1,9 +1,6 @@
 package inf226.inchat;
-import java.sql.Connection;
-import java.sql.ResultSet;
-import java.sql.SQLException;
-import java.sql.Statement;
+import java.sql.*;
 import java.time.Instant;
 import java.util.UUID;
 import java.util.TreeMap;
@@ -46,19 +43,25 @@ public final class ChannelStorage
       throws SQLException {
         final Stored<Channel> stored = new Stored<Channel>(channel);
-        String sql =  "INSERT INTO Channel VALUES('" + stored.identity + "','"
-                                                  + stored.version  + "','"
-                                                  + channel.name  + "')";
-        connection.createStatement().executeUpdate(sql);
+        String sql =  "INSERT INTO Channel VALUES(?, ?, ?)";
+        PreparedStatement prepStmt = connection.prepareStatement(sql);
+        prepStmt.setObject(1, stored.identity);
+        prepStmt.setObject(2, stored.version);
+        prepStmt.setObject(3, channel.name);
+        prepStmt.execute();
         // Write the list of events
         final Maybe.Builder<SQLException> exception = Maybe.builder();
         final Mutable<Integer> ordinal = new Mutable<Integer>(0);
         channel.events.forEach(event -> {
-            final String msql = "INSERT INTO ChannelEvent VALUES('" + stored.identity + "','"
-                                                                        + event.identity + "','"
-                                                                        + ordinal.get().toString() + "')";
-            try { connection.createStatement().executeUpdate(msql); }
+            final String msql = "INSERT INTO ChannelEvent VALUES(?, ?, ?)";
+            try {
+                PreparedStatement prepStmt2 = connection.prepareStatement(msql);
+                prepStmt2.setObject(1, stored.identity);
+                prepStmt2.setObject(2, event.identity);
+                prepStmt2.setObject(3, ordinal.get().toString());
+                prepStmt2.execute();
+            }
             catch (SQLException e) { exception.accept(e) ; }
             ordinal.accept(ordinal.get() + 1);
@@ -77,23 +80,29 @@ public final class ChannelStorage
         final Stored<Channel> updated = current.newVersion(new_channel);
         if(current.version.equals(channel.version)) {
             String sql = "UPDATE Channel SET" +
-                " (version,name) =('" 
-                                + updated.version  + "','"
-                                + new_channel.name
-                                + "') WHERE id='"+ updated.identity + "'";
-            connection.createStatement().executeUpdate(sql);
+                " (version,name) = (?, ?) WHERE id=?";
+            PreparedStatement prepStmt = connection.prepareStatement(sql);
+            prepStmt.setObject(1, updated.version);
+            prepStmt.setObject(2, new_channel.name);
+            prepStmt.setObject(3, updated.identity);
+            prepStmt.execute();
             // Rewrite the list of events
-            connection.createStatement().executeUpdate("DELETE FROM ChannelEvent WHERE channel='" + channel.identity + "'");
+            String sql2 = "DELETE FROM ChannelEvent WHERE channel=?";
+            PreparedStatement prepStmt2 = connection.prepareStatement(sql2);
+            prepStmt2.setObject(1,channel.identity);
+            prepStmt2.execute();
             final Maybe.Builder<SQLException> exception = Maybe.builder();
             final Mutable<Integer> ordinal = new Mutable<Integer>(0);
             new_channel.events.forEach(event -> {
-                final String msql = "INSERT INTO ChannelEvent VALUES('" + channel.identity + "','"
-                                                                            + event.identity + "','"
-                                                                            + ordinal.get().toString() + "')";
-                try { connection.createStatement().executeUpdate(msql); }
+                final String msql = "INSERT INTO ChannelEvent VALUES(?, ?, ?)";
+                try {
+                    PreparedStatement prepStmt3 = connection.prepareStatement(msql);
+                    prepStmt3.setObject(1,channel.identity);
+                    prepStmt3.setObject(2,event.identity);
+                    prepStmt3.setObject(3,ordinal.get().toString());
+                    prepStmt3.execute();
+                }
                 catch (SQLException e) { exception.accept(e) ; }
                 ordinal.accept(ordinal.get() + 1);
@@ -113,8 +122,11 @@ public final class ChannelStorage
               SQLException {
         final Stored<Channel> current = get(channel.identity);
         if(current.version.equals(channel.version)) {
-        String sql =  "DELETE FROM Channel WHERE id ='" + channel.identity + "'";
-        connection.createStatement().executeUpdate(sql);
+        String sql =  "DELETE FROM Channel WHERE id =?";
+        PreparedStatement prepStmt = connection.prepareStatement(sql);
+        prepStmt.setObject(1,channel.identity);
+        prepStmt.execute();
         } else {
         throw new UpdatedException(current);
@@ -158,8 +170,11 @@ public final class ChannelStorage
     public Stored<Channel> noChangeUpdate(UUID channelId)
         throws SQLException, DeletedException {
         String sql = "UPDATE Channel SET" +
-                " (version) =('" + UUID.randomUUID() + "') WHERE id='"+ channelId + "'";
-        connection.createStatement().executeUpdate(sql);
+                " (version) = (?) WHERE id=?";
+        PreparedStatement prepStmt = connection.prepareStatement(sql);
+        prepStmt.setObject(1, UUID.randomUUID());
+        prepStmt.setObject(2, channelId);
+        prepStmt.execute();
         Stored<Channel> channel = get(channelId);
         return channel;
@@ -173,10 +188,10 @@ public final class ChannelStorage
       throws DeletedException,
              SQLException {
-        final String channelsql = "SELECT version FROM Channel WHERE id = '" + id.toString() + "'";
-        final Statement channelStatement = connection.createStatement();
-        final ResultSet channelResult = channelStatement.executeQuery(channelsql);
+        final String channelsql = "SELECT version FROM Channel WHERE id = ?";
+        PreparedStatement prepStmt = connection.prepareStatement(channelsql);
+        prepStmt.setObject(1, id.toString());
+        final ResultSet channelResult = prepStmt.executeQuery();
         if(channelResult.next()) {
             return UUID.fromString(
@@ -247,8 +262,10 @@ public final class ChannelStorage
     public Stored<Channel> lookupChannelForEvent(Stored<Channel.Event> e)
       throws SQLException, DeletedException {
-        String sql = "SELECT channel FROM ChannelEvent WHERE event='" + e.identity + "'";
-        final ResultSet rs = connection.createStatement().executeQuery(sql);
+        String sql = "SELECT channel FROM ChannelEvent WHERE event=?";
+        PreparedStatement prepStmt = connection.prepareStatement(sql);
+        prepStmt.setObject(1,e.identity);
+        final ResultSet rs = prepStmt.executeQuery();
         if(rs.next()) {
             final UUID channelId = UUID.fromString(rs.getString("channel"));
             return get(channelId);
diff --git a/src/main/java/inf226/inchat/EventStorage.java b/src/main/java/inf226/inchat/EventStorage.java
index 310b62dce1c394aaf96a053926fdd93fedaf84be..a097267854a000cf3c6ece2c9a87d3dcd99c54eb 100644
--- a/src/main/java/inf226/inchat/EventStorage.java
+++ b/src/main/java/inf226/inchat/EventStorage.java
@@ -1,9 +1,6 @@
 package inf226.inchat;
-import java.sql.Connection;
-import java.sql.ResultSet;
-import java.sql.SQLException;
-import java.sql.Statement;
+import java.sql.*;
 import java.time.Instant;
 import java.util.UUID;
 import java.util.function.Consumer;
@@ -36,23 +33,31 @@ public final class EventStorage
         final Stored<Channel.Event> stored = new Stored<Channel.Event>(event);
-        String sql =  "INSERT INTO Event VALUES('" + stored.identity + "','"
-                                                  + stored.version  + "','"
-                                                  + event.type.code + "','"
-                                                  + event.time  + "')";
-        connection.createStatement().executeUpdate(sql);
+        String sql =  "INSERT INTO Event VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?)";
+        PreparedStatement prepStmt = connection.prepareStatement(sql);
+        prepStmt.setObject(1, stored.identity);
+        prepStmt.setObject(2, stored.version);
+        prepStmt.setObject(3, event.type.code);
+        prepStmt.setObject(4, event.time);
+        prepStmt.execute();
         switch (event.type) {
             case message:
-                sql = "INSERT INTO Message VALUES('" + stored.identity + "','"
-                                                     + event.sender + "','"
-                                                     + event.message +"')";
+                sql = "INSERT INTO Message VALUES(?, ?, ?)";
+                PreparedStatement prepStmt2 = connection.prepareStatement(sql);
+                prepStmt2.setObject(1, stored.identity);
+                prepStmt2.setObject(2, event.sender);
+                prepStmt2.setObject(3, event.message);
+                prepStmt2.execute();
             case join:
-                sql = "INSERT INTO Joined VALUES('" + stored.identity + "','"
-                                                  + event.sender +"')";
+                sql = "INSERT INTO Joined VALUES(?, ?)";
+                PreparedStatement prepStmt3 = connection.prepareStatement(sql);
+                prepStmt3.setObject(1, stored.identity);
+                prepStmt3.setObject(2, event.sender);
+                prepStmt3.execute();
-        connection.createStatement().executeUpdate(sql);
         return stored;
@@ -66,22 +71,30 @@ public final class EventStorage
     final Stored<Channel.Event> updated = current.newVersion(new_event);
     if(current.version.equals(event.version)) {
         String sql = "UPDATE Event SET" +
-            " (version,time,type) =('" 
-                            + updated.version  + "','"
-                            + new_event.time  + "','"
-                            + new_event.type.code
-                            + "') WHERE id='"+ updated.identity + "'";
-        connection.createStatement().executeUpdate(sql);
+            " (version,time,type) = (?, ?, ?) WHERE id=?";
+        PreparedStatement prepStmt = connection.prepareStatement(sql);
+        prepStmt.setObject(1, updated.version);
+        prepStmt.setObject(2, new_event.time);
+        prepStmt.setObject(3, new_event.type.code);
+        prepStmt.setObject(4, updated.identity);
+        prepStmt.execute();
         switch (new_event.type) {
             case message:
-                sql = "UPDATE Message SET (sender,content)=('" + new_event.sender + "','"
-                                                     + new_event.message +"') WHERE id='"+ updated.identity + "'";
+                sql = "UPDATE Message SET (sender,content)= (?, ?) WHERE id=?";
+                PreparedStatement prepStmt2 = connection.prepareStatement(sql);
+                prepStmt2.setObject(1, new_event.sender);
+                prepStmt2.setObject(2, new_event.message);
+                prepStmt2.setObject(3, updated.identity);
+                prepStmt2.execute();
             case join:
-                sql = "UPDATE Joined SET (sender)=('" + new_event.sender +"') WHERE id='"+ updated.identity + "'";
+                sql = "UPDATE Joined SET (sender)= (?) WHERE id=?";
+                PreparedStatement prepStmt3 = connection.prepareStatement(sql);
+                prepStmt3.setObject(1, new_event.sender);
+                prepStmt3.setObject(2, updated.identity);
+                prepStmt3.execute();
-        connection.createStatement().executeUpdate(sql);
     } else {
         throw new UpdatedException(current);
@@ -95,8 +108,10 @@ public final class EventStorage
               SQLException {
         final Stored<Channel.Event> current = get(event.identity);
         if(current.version.equals(event.version)) {
-        String sql =  "DELETE FROM Event WHERE id ='" + event.identity + "'";
-        connection.createStatement().executeUpdate(sql);
+        String sql =  "DELETE FROM Event WHERE id =?";
+        PreparedStatement prepStmt = connection.prepareStatement(sql);
+        prepStmt.setObject(1, event.identity);
+        prepStmt.execute();
         } else {
         throw new UpdatedException(current);
@@ -105,9 +120,10 @@ public final class EventStorage
     public Stored<Channel.Event> get(UUID id)
       throws DeletedException,
              SQLException {
-        final String sql = "SELECT version,time,type FROM Event WHERE id = '" + id.toString() + "'";
-        final Statement statement = connection.createStatement();
-        final ResultSet rs = statement.executeQuery(sql);
+        final String sql = "SELECT version,time,type FROM Event WHERE id = ?";
+        final PreparedStatement prepStmt = connection.prepareStatement(sql);
+        prepStmt.setObject(1,id.toString());
+        final ResultSet rs = prepStmt.executeQuery();
         if(rs.next()) {
             final UUID version = UUID.fromString(rs.getString("version"));
@@ -116,22 +132,26 @@ public final class EventStorage
             final Instant time = 
-            final Statement mstatement = connection.createStatement();
+            //final Statement mstatement = connection.createStatement();
             switch(type) {
                 case message:
-                    final String msql = "SELECT sender,content FROM Message WHERE id = '" + id.toString() + "'";
-                    final ResultSet mrs = mstatement.executeQuery(msql);
-                    mrs.next();
+                    final String sql2 = "SELECT sender,content FROM Message WHERE id = ?";
+                    PreparedStatement prepStmt2 = connection.prepareStatement(sql2);
+                    prepStmt2.setObject(1, id.toString());
+                    final ResultSet rs2 = prepStmt2.executeQuery();
+                    rs2.next();
                     return new Stored<Channel.Event>(
-                            Channel.Event.createMessageEvent(time,mrs.getString("sender"),mrs.getString("content")),
+                            Channel.Event.createMessageEvent(time,rs2.getString("sender"),rs2.getString("content")),
                 case join:
-                    final String asql = "SELECT sender FROM Joined WHERE id = '" + id.toString() + "'";
-                    final ResultSet ars = mstatement.executeQuery(asql);
-                    ars.next();
+                    final String sql3 = "SELECT sender FROM Joined WHERE id = ?";
+                    PreparedStatement prepStmt3 = connection.prepareStatement(sql3);
+                    prepStmt3.setObject(1, id.toString());
+                    final ResultSet rs3 = prepStmt3.executeQuery();
+                    rs3.next();
                     return new Stored<Channel.Event>(
-                            Channel.Event.createJoinEvent(time,ars.getString("sender")),
+                            Channel.Event.createJoinEvent(time,rs3.getString("sender")),
diff --git a/src/main/java/inf226/inchat/Handler.java b/src/main/java/inf226/inchat/Handler.java
index e5c456e14d65801cc0946a23abfa4021a147c150..cfaf9b832c5634cad958f2232a2aa63f2f659710 100644
--- a/src/main/java/inf226/inchat/Handler.java
+++ b/src/main/java/inf226/inchat/Handler.java
@@ -101,11 +101,10 @@ public class Handler extends AbstractHandler
             String password = (new Maybe<String>
-            System.err.println("Registering user: \"" + username
-                             + "\" with password \"" + password + "\"");
+            String passwordRepeat = (new Maybe<String>
+                    (request.getParameter("password_repeat"))).get();
-            inchat.register(username,password).forEach(sessionBuilder);
+            inchat.register(username,password,passwordRepeat).forEach(sessionBuilder);
         } catch (Maybe.NothingException e) {
             // Not enough data suppied for login
             System.err.println("Broken usage of register");
@@ -142,7 +141,10 @@ public class Handler extends AbstractHandler
         final Stored<Account> account = session.value.account;
         // User is now logged in with a valid sesion.
         // We set the session cookie to keep the user logged in:
-        response.addCookie(new Cookie("session",session.identity.toString()));
+        final Cookie cookie = new Cookie("session",session.identity.toString());
+        cookie.setHttpOnly(true);
+        cookie.setSecure(true);
+        response.addCookie(cookie);
         final PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
         // Handle a logged in request.
@@ -570,7 +572,7 @@ public class Handler extends AbstractHandler
             = new SessionStorage(connection,accountStore);
         inchat = new InChat(userStore,channelStore,accountStore,sessionStore);
         try {
-            final Stored<Session> admin = inchat.register("admin","pa$$w0rd").get();
+            final Stored<Session> admin = inchat.register("admin","pa$$w0rd","pa$$w0rd").get();
             final Stored<Channel> debug = inchat.createChannel(admin.value.account, "debug").get();
             (new Thread(){ public void run() {
                 Mutable<Stored<Channel>> chan = new Mutable<Stored<Channel>>(debug);
diff --git a/src/main/java/inf226/inchat/InChat.java b/src/main/java/inf226/inchat/InChat.java
index 49b77c8b301d76d3d91b56935c992a0963800cef..04b4057b0a28a693ecc6d83bb2184d1d5249eff5 100644
--- a/src/main/java/inf226/inchat/InChat.java
+++ b/src/main/java/inf226/inchat/InChat.java
@@ -50,9 +50,11 @@ public class InChat {
         // TODO: Here you can implement login.
         try {
             final Stored<Account> account = accountStore.lookup(username);
-            final Stored<Session> session =
-                sessionStore.save(new Session(account, Instant.now().plusSeconds(60*60*24)));
-            return Maybe.just(session); 
+            if (account.value.checkPassword(password)) {
+                final Stored<Session> session =
+                        sessionStore.save(new Session(account, Instant.now().plusSeconds(60 * 60 * 24)));
+                return Maybe.just(session);
+            }
         } catch (SQLException e) {
         } catch (DeletedException e) {
@@ -62,15 +64,31 @@ public class InChat {
      * Register a new user.
-    public Maybe<Stored<Session>> register(String username, String password) {
+    public Maybe<Stored<Session>> register(String username, String password, String passwordRepeat) {
         try {
+            try {
+                accountStore.lookup(username);
+                System.err.println("ERROR: User already exists");
+                return Maybe.nothing();
+            } catch (DeletedException e) {}
+            if (!Password.validPassword(password)) {
+                System.err.println("ERROR: Unsafe password");
+                return Maybe.nothing();
+            }
+            if (!password.equals(passwordRepeat)) {
+                System.err.println("ERROR: Failed to repeat password");
+                return Maybe.nothing();
+            }
             final Stored<User> user =
-                userStore.save(User.create(username));
+                    userStore.save(User.create(username));
             final Stored<Account> account =
-                accountStore.save(Account.create(user, password));
+                    accountStore.save(Account.create(user, password));
             final Stored<Session> session =
-                sessionStore.save(new Session(account, Instant.now().plusSeconds(60*60*24)));
-            return Maybe.just(session); 
+                    sessionStore.save(new Session(account, Instant.now().plusSeconds(60 * 60 * 24)));
+            System.err.println("Registering user: \"" + username
+                    + "\" with password \"" + password +"\"");
+            return Maybe.just(session);
         } catch (SQLException e) {
             return Maybe.nothing();
diff --git a/src/main/java/inf226/inchat/Password.java b/src/main/java/inf226/inchat/Password.java
index 3a6f0738a23a914c781214f0f010c111401def97..92f0563fcc53731f437febc395fef1351be32cd2 100644
--- a/src/main/java/inf226/inchat/Password.java
+++ b/src/main/java/inf226/inchat/Password.java
@@ -8,9 +8,10 @@ public final class Password {
         this.password = password;
-    public boolean validPassword (String password) {
+    public static boolean validPassword(String password) {
         int hPLength = password.length();
-        if (hPLength >= 6 && hPLength <= 30) {
+        if (hPLength >= 8 && hPLength <= 64) {
             int digits, upperCases, lowerCases;
             digits = upperCases = lowerCases = 0;
             for (char c : password.toCharArray()) {
@@ -27,6 +28,7 @@ public final class Password {
             if (digits != 0 && upperCases != 0 && lowerCases != 0) {
                 return true;
+            System.out.println("Password is invalid");
         return false;
diff --git a/src/main/java/inf226/inchat/SessionStorage.java b/src/main/java/inf226/inchat/SessionStorage.java
index 259191065b8700c075189204af36bd41a35923c8..986aba009349731410649fb426d1bb0ceb143f7c 100644
--- a/src/main/java/inf226/inchat/SessionStorage.java
+++ b/src/main/java/inf226/inchat/SessionStorage.java
@@ -1,9 +1,6 @@
 package inf226.inchat;
-import java.sql.Connection;
-import java.sql.ResultSet;
-import java.sql.SQLException;
-import java.sql.Statement;
+import java.sql.*;
 import java.time.Instant;
 import java.util.UUID;
@@ -32,11 +29,13 @@ public final class SessionStorage
       throws SQLException {
         final Stored<Session> stored = new Stored<Session>(session);
-        String sql =  "INSERT INTO Session VALUES('" + stored.identity + "','"
-                                                  + stored.version  + "','"
-                                                  + session.account.identity  + "','"
-                                                  + session.expiry.toString() + "')";
-        connection.createStatement().executeUpdate(sql);
+        String sql =  "INSERT INTO Session VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?)";
+        PreparedStatement prepStmt = connection.prepareStatement(sql);
+        prepStmt.setObject(1, stored.identity);
+        prepStmt.setObject(2, stored.version);
+        prepStmt.setObject(3, session.account.identity);
+        prepStmt.setObject(4, session.expiry.toString());
+        prepStmt.execute();
         return stored;
@@ -50,12 +49,13 @@ public final class SessionStorage
     final Stored<Session> updated = current.newVersion(new_session);
     if(current.version.equals(session.version)) {
         String sql = "UPDATE Session SET" +
-            " (version,account,expiry) =('" 
-                            + updated.version  + "','"
-                            + new_session.account.identity  + "','"
-                            + new_session.expiry.toString()
-                            + "') WHERE id='"+ updated.identity + "'";
-        connection.createStatement().executeUpdate(sql);
+            " (version,account,expiry) = (?, ?, ?) WHERE id=?";
+        PreparedStatement prepStmt = connection.prepareStatement(sql);
+        prepStmt.setObject(1, updated.version);
+        prepStmt.setObject(2, new_session.account.identity);
+        prepStmt.setObject(3, new_session.expiry.toString());
+        prepStmt.setObject(4, updated.identity);
+        prepStmt.execute();
     } else {
         throw new UpdatedException(current);
@@ -69,8 +69,10 @@ public final class SessionStorage
               SQLException {
         final Stored<Session> current = get(session.identity);
         if(current.version.equals(session.version)) {
-        String sql =  "DELETE FROM Session WHERE id ='" + session.identity + "'";
-        connection.createStatement().executeUpdate(sql);
+        String sql =  "DELETE FROM Session WHERE id = ?";
+        PreparedStatement prepStmt = connection.prepareStatement(sql);
+        prepStmt.setObject(1,session.identity);
+        prepStmt.execute();
         } else {
         throw new UpdatedException(current);
@@ -79,9 +81,10 @@ public final class SessionStorage
     public Stored<Session> get(UUID id)
       throws DeletedException,
              SQLException {
-        final String sql = "SELECT version,account,expiry FROM Session WHERE id = '" + id.toString() + "'";
-        final Statement statement = connection.createStatement();
-        final ResultSet rs = statement.executeQuery(sql);
+        final String sql = "SELECT version,account,expiry FROM Session WHERE id = ?";
+        final PreparedStatement prepStmt = connection.prepareStatement(sql);
+        prepStmt.setObject(1, id.toString());
+        final ResultSet rs = prepStmt.executeQuery();
         if(rs.next()) {
             final UUID version = UUID.fromString(rs.getString("version"));
diff --git a/src/main/java/inf226/inchat/UserStorage.java b/src/main/java/inf226/inchat/UserStorage.java
index e24b9d8bc9a0fb8bb4c38f096e61cd868217a2f1..1001599f0ae3334bc854e2aa37af7e2a6e155a8a 100644
--- a/src/main/java/inf226/inchat/UserStorage.java
+++ b/src/main/java/inf226/inchat/UserStorage.java
@@ -1,9 +1,6 @@
 package inf226.inchat;
-import java.sql.Connection;
-import java.sql.ResultSet;
-import java.sql.SQLException;
-import java.sql.Statement;
+import java.sql.*;
 import java.time.Instant;
 import java.util.UUID;
@@ -31,11 +28,13 @@ public final class UserStorage
     public Stored<User> save(User user)
       throws SQLException {
         final Stored<User> stored = new Stored<User>(user);
-        String sql =  "INSERT INTO User VALUES('" + stored.identity + "','"
-                                                  + stored.version  + "','"
-                                                  + user.name  + "','"
-                                                  + user.joined.toString() + "')";
-        connection.createStatement().executeUpdate(sql);
+        String sql =  "INSERT INTO User VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?)";
+        PreparedStatement prepStmt = connection.prepareStatement(sql);
+        prepStmt.setObject(1, stored.identity);
+        prepStmt.setObject(2, stored.version);
+        prepStmt.setObject(3, user.name);
+        prepStmt.setObject(4, user.joined.toString());
+        prepStmt.execute();
         return stored;
@@ -49,12 +48,13 @@ public final class UserStorage
         final Stored<User> updated = current.newVersion(new_user);
         if(current.version.equals(user.version)) {
         String sql = "UPDATE User SET" +
-            " (version,name,joined) =('" 
-                            + updated.version  + "','"
-                            + new_user.name  + "','"
-                            + new_user.joined.toString()
-                            + "') WHERE id='"+ updated.identity + "'";
-            connection.createStatement().executeUpdate(sql);
+            " (version,name,joined) = (?, ?, ?, ?) WHERE id=?";
+        PreparedStatement prepStmt = connection.prepareStatement(sql);
+        prepStmt.setObject(1, updated.version);
+        prepStmt.setObject(2, new_user.name);
+        prepStmt.setObject(3, new_user.joined.toString());
+        prepStmt.setObject(4, updated.identity);
+        prepStmt.execute();
         } else {
             throw new UpdatedException(current);
@@ -66,21 +66,25 @@ public final class UserStorage
        throws UpdatedException,
               SQLException {
-        final Stored<User> current = get(user.identity);
-        if(current.version.equals(user.version)) {
-            String sql =  "DELETE FROM User WHERE id ='" + user.identity + "'";
-            connection.createStatement().executeUpdate(sql);
-        } else {
-        throw new UpdatedException(current);
-        }
+       final Stored<User> current = get(user.identity);
+       if(current.version.equals(user.version)) {
+          String sql =  "DELETE FROM User WHERE id = ?";
+          PreparedStatement prepStmt = connection.prepareStatement(sql);
+          prepStmt.setObject(1, user.identity);
+          prepStmt.execute();
+       } else {
+       throw new UpdatedException(current);
+       }
     public Stored<User> get(UUID id)
       throws DeletedException,
              SQLException {
-        final String sql = "SELECT version,name,joined FROM User WHERE id = '" + id.toString() + "'";
-        final Statement statement = connection.createStatement();
-        final ResultSet rs = statement.executeQuery(sql);
+        final String sql = "SELECT version,name,joined FROM User WHERE id = ?";
+        final PreparedStatement prepStmt = connection.prepareStatement(sql);
+        prepStmt.setObject(1, id.toString());
+        final ResultSet rs = prepStmt.executeQuery();
         if(rs.next()) {
             final UUID version = 
@@ -97,11 +101,12 @@ public final class UserStorage
      * Look up a user by their username;
-    public Maybe<Stored<User>> lookup(String name) {
-        final String sql = "SELECT id FROM User WHERE name = '" + name + "'";
+    public Maybe<Stored<User>> lookup(String name) throws SQLException {
+        final String sql = "SELECT id FROM User WHERE name = ?";
+        final PreparedStatement prepStmt = connection.prepareStatement(sql);
+        prepStmt.setObject(1, name);
-            final Statement statement = connection.createStatement();
-            final ResultSet rs = statement.executeQuery(sql);
+            final ResultSet rs = prepStmt.executeQuery();
                 return Maybe.just(
diff --git a/src/test/java/inf226/inchat/InchatTest.java b/src/test/java/inf226/inchat/InchatTest.java
index 732144bf5e908275befc0f570f99ca58d5c8e6e2..cc9e8033c6030c2c79f3c7fcae90185855accbae 100644
--- a/src/test/java/inf226/inchat/InchatTest.java
+++ b/src/test/java/inf226/inchat/InchatTest.java
@@ -32,8 +32,8 @@ public class InchatTest{
         SessionStorage sessionStore
             = new SessionStorage(connection,accountStore);
         InChat inchat = new InChat(userStore,channelStore,accountStore,sessionStore);
-        Stored<Session> aliceSession = inchat.register("Alice","badpassword").get();
-        inchat.register("Bob","worse").get();
+        Stored<Session> aliceSession = inchat.register("Alice","badpassword","badpassword").get();
+        inchat.register("Bob","worse","worse").get();
         Stored<Session> bobSession = inchat.login("Bob","worse").get();
         Stored<Channel> channel = inchat.createChannel(aliceSession.value.account,"Awesome").get();
         inchat.postMessage(aliceSession.value.account,channel, "Test message.").get();